Subject: 1 HOUR LEFT! The Never-Done-Before Chemistry Behind Relief FX!

1 HOUR LEFT! The Never-Done-Before Chemistry Behind Relief FX!

August 3rd, 2018 at 2:18 pm PDT

Yesterday I announced a 24-hour sale on my pain reliever, Relief FX! It ends in 1-hour! That means you will only have 59 minutes after reading this to save! Get 20% at This was a product I made over 13 years ago! I was looking ...

~20% Off Next 12 Hours Only!

August 3rd, 2018 at 6:55 am PDT

Don't ruin your insides with Tylenol and other OTC painkillers! Cure that headache, menstrual cramp, growing pains or muscle ache with Relief FX! For the next 12 hours, you can stock up on Relief FX for 20% off at! Why does it ...

~Relief FX Outrage Sale! (Short Time)

August 2nd, 2018 at 3:33 pm PDT

A recent study showed that aspirin is among one of the biggest causes of ER visits... Aspirin! When it comes to risk-free pain relief, options are slim. Looking at the lack of choices over 10 years ago, I started digging into the research. Hours a ...

~Do moms know about risky multi-vitamins? Kids?

August 2nd, 2018 at 8:16 am PDT

My son Blair turns 13 yo in two a result, he became a 10% partner in my daughters thriving Handmade Soap Club (! He put down some sweat equity and began his division of packaging and labeling. After an hour, h ...

~They Told Him, "You Have Prostate Cancer..."

August 1st, 2018 at 5:18 pm PDT

Being diagnosed with “prostate cancer” or prostate enlargement is not an immediate death sentence! I had to teach this to my father-in-law... He got the call nobody wanted. It was a Tuesday afternoon. My family and I had just returned from M ...

~This Curcumin Bolsters Memory and Blocks Cancer!

July 30th, 2018 at 2:21 pm PDT

"Love your Daily Dose, Mr. Chemist! My wife and I live on a catamaran...If it was sinking and I had time to grab one thing, it would be Daily Dose. We are more alert and have less forgetful moments. Thank you!" That came from a happy fan...but more i ...

Fake Or Real? (Synthetic Vs. Botanical)

July 30th, 2018 at 12:54 pm PDT

Currently there’s a war going on between synthetic and botanical ingredients in the health supplement industry. Should supplement makers have the right to put fake (synthetic) man-made chemicals in their products, or not? …And should these synt ...

~CEO: How to Get FREE Shipping

July 28th, 2018 at 9:11 am PDT

Friend, According to The Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA), 1 in 3 teens are diabetic! They will lose 11-20 years of their lifespan. This is the first decrease in longevity ever recorded in the history of civilization! It doe ...

Super Anti-Clotting Combo for Healthy Blood and Sports Performance!

July 27th, 2018 at 9:34 am PDT

Over 5,000 miles of flying this summer and I’ve noticed a few things that make my skin crawl: - It’s common to have bruised skin from blood thinners (a sign of internal bleeding) - High blood sugar is causing obesity at jaw-dropping rates - A ...

~Natural Sleep Pill - Zero Drug Interactions!

July 26th, 2018 at 3:49 pm PDT

Friend, ...this was in my inbox: "I’m 76 and over the last year or so I have trouble sleeping. Wake up too much to pee – 3 or 4 times a nite. My functional MD suggested hormones since my aging body was depleted, bioidentical estrogen and prog ...

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