Subject: ~4 Hours Left to Get Straight Talk, FREE!

~4 Hours Left to Get Straight Talk, FREE!

September 12th, 2018 at 6:12 am PDT

Yesterday I announced "Straight Talk!" ...and for the next 4 hours you can get it free! Keep reading. Straight Talk will expose the three anti-heroes of longevity. ...each one inhabits a different region of the health, wealth, and fitness kingdom ...

~When I was 17yo...Oh Gawd

September 11th, 2018 at 7:47 am PDT

Good morning Friend, My daughter, Lily, is a senior and has just finished up her college entrance exams. Submitting her college applications, I couldn't help but reflect on my teen years. Oh gawd.... The year was 1991. I was a junior in high school ...

~It's not your thyroid!

September 10th, 2018 at 3:33 pm PDT

On January 8, 2003, Air Midwest Flight 5481 (operating as US Airways Express) crashed in Charlotte, North Carolina, less than a minute after takeoff. All twenty-one people on board were killed. The plane took off with its nose too far up, according t ...

~A "Vita-Ray" for Your Immune System!

September 10th, 2018 at 9:38 am PDT

Friend, As a drug chemist, I used to fear going to work in the lab. I risked numerous health hazards—like being exposed to cancer-causing reagents or volatile inhalants that pulled the air from your lungs. I naively assumed that these were nece ...

~Courtesy Call: Only 1 HOUR LEFT!

September 9th, 2018 at 9:45 am PDT

For those who don't already know, true cinnamon is jam-packed with the medicinal compound, cinnamaldehyde (CINN-A-MA-ALDEHYDE). This is the chief compound from nature that forces your muscles to vacuum sugar from the bloodstream. The benefits can't ...

~True Cinnamon 15% Off and More! (10 Hours Left!)

September 8th, 2018 at 6:58 am PDT

When I started The People’s Chemist over 16 years ago, my main goal was to provide the purest and most potent botanical medicines in the world. And to do that, I had to apply everything I learned as a medicinal chemist for Big Pharma, especially i ...

~Free Book

September 7th, 2018 at 12:46 pm PDT

Ditch The Meds with 3 Worst Meds Book, FREE! A fan just emailed to moan that "understanding sugar is so hard..." It's not. Sugar is bad for you. There. You can stop reading, unless you want to learn how to reverse the su ...

~How Risky is High Blood Pressure? (Fighter Pilots Love This!)

September 6th, 2018 at 2:15 pm PDT

High blood pressure is only a sign of heart disease. To be risky, it needs to be coupled to a few more things, like obesity, muscle atrophy and a sedentary lifestyle. Taking meds to fix it could be the worst possible choice. For over 10 years, I' ...

~ [Alert] "Vitamins" Send Thousands to ER!

September 6th, 2018 at 10:37 am PDT

Today can be your best day ever…or it can be another day of poor health. Your choice! The pills you swallow (or don't swallow) will determine the difference…along with your lifestyle and dietary habits. This year, countless people will choke d ...

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