Subject: ~MUST READ: Your Brain on Sugar

~MUST READ: Your Brain on Sugar

June 6th, 2018 at 3:00 am PDT

Sugar is notorious for causing obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It's also a well known fact that sugar feeds cancer. (That discovery won the Nobel Prize over a hundred years ago...) But excess sugar also shoplifts your memory. In other word ...

~Cane Sugar and Your Metabolism - Reverse the Curse

June 5th, 2018 at 3:27 pm PDT

Friend, I call it the sugar curse. When you eat sugar, your metabolism comes to a screeching halt. And it's very difficult to get it back in motion. It also revs up your aging hormones... You can blame the hormone insulin. (Mostly.) When you e ...

~Your BP Meds Making You Feel Lousy? Try this....

June 5th, 2018 at 6:37 am PDT

Friend, Blood pressure meds are making people feel so lousy that over 50% are getting off of them...and lying about it to their doctor. No surprise there. BP meds are notorious for causing weight gain, depression, diabetes and even cancer! As a c ...

~Poisoned in Kentucky!?

June 1st, 2018 at 9:59 am PDT

This isn't my first flight across the USA. As Blair and I bounce from small town to small town, we're always confronted with the same obstacle: Lack of food. The US is a food desert. We have an obesity epidemic coupled to malnourishment. That' ...

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