Subject: ~2 Hours Left! Tom Petty Dies Of WHAAAT????

~2 Hours Left! Tom Petty Dies Of WHAAAT????

January 19th, 2018 at 4:44 pm PDT

Friend, Only 2 hours left for my $100 + giveaway! Buy a 3-pack of my hawthorn-rich Cardio FX, and I'll toss in my Secret Health Files for free. Yes, it's a sales "gimmick" to help you ditch your meds! If you haven't noticed, the world is being me ...

~Only 12 Hours Left for Over $100 Give-Away!

January 19th, 2018 at 7:49 am PDT

Only 12 hours left for my Secret Health Files giveaway! For a limited time, my Secret Health Files audio course is free when you buy a 3-pack of my hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX! Stock up by clicking below. Why the massive sale ...

~Super Heart Health Give-Away! (Limited Time Starting Now!)

January 18th, 2018 at 4:21 pm PDT

Insane Heart Health Special! (Offer Ends in 24 Hours!) Secret Health Files is BAAACK! After being sold out for 8 months, I'm finally shipping. This is 4 hours of 10 minute, must-know, health briefs. It usually sells fo ...

Super-Testosterone: Why This Botanical Works

January 17th, 2018 at 2:43 pm PDT

Just out of graduate school, I had fallen victim to "weight loss lies" that caused me to balloon all the way up to 205 lbs! ...I wrestled 126 in college. My primary focus was, of course, not wrestling. It was school and career. And during that t ...

~People's Chemist: "Store Bought Vitamins Are Harming You. Here's How.

January 17th, 2018 at 6:52 am PDT

People's Chemist: "Store Bought Vitamins are Risky to Your Health. Here's Why." Lurking on the shelves of your grocery store are scores of "health supplements" filled with chemicals your body doesn't need...additives suc ...

~Letter from CEO: Zero Contamination Policy!

January 16th, 2018 at 11:20 am PDT

It's hard to take responsibility for your health when you're surrounded by a minefield of contaminated products sold under the guise of health. At The People's Chemist, we define a contaminated product as anything that detracts from your health... ...

DANGER: Dr. Wallach And Pharmaceutically Made Vitamins!

January 15th, 2018 at 3:36 pm PDT

Friend, I can't sit quietly and say nothing... In 1999, a ground-breaking audio tape was released to the public called "Dead Doctors Don't Lie." Created by Dr. Joel Wallach, the audio exposed a vital truth — that most diseases in humans are the r ...

~Yerba Mate Fat Burner Pill Really Work?

January 11th, 2018 at 11:07 am PDT

When I was in college, I didn't have a car. So, on long breaks between classes, I'd hang out in the library. Usually, I'd take a nap. But sometimes I'd read...and one time it paid off. Scrolling through dusty chemistry journals, I learned about a g ...

~Pilot Skips Surgery with This! (Must Read ALERT!)

January 10th, 2018 at 1:53 pm PDT

A fellow pilot just emailed me to share how he took charge of his health. It's very emblematic of what anyone can do in 2018 to free themselves from poor health...and meds. (If you have bad joints, pay attention!) “I had a back injury about 3 ye ...

Doctor Gives News: "I felt like crying..."

January 10th, 2018 at 6:36 am PDT

When you post anything contrary to the status quo of Western Medicine, Google and Youtube bury it. They close down your ads. They make you remove "medical" terms like "cancer" from your title. And they hide your video from the algorithm that would ...

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