Subject: ~Your A1C Blood Results

~Your A1C Blood Results

June 22nd, 2016 at 4:10 pm PDT

Friend, Success is simple: Learn how to follow directions. ...I've been getting a ton of emails this week about A1C levels. Let me clarify this A1C stuff!...but first, let's discuss "following directions." I'll make this quick. When I learned to ...

NEWS: This Hawthorn Berry Saves Heart! (Flying Pic!)

June 22nd, 2016 at 9:31 am PDT

Friend, The pic above shows my recent flight from Durango, CO to Salt Lake City, UT. Heading west, I clawed my way to 12,500ft and nudged the nose down for cruise. The smell of pine sprung up from Cortez and gave me a nice pick me up while admiring t ...

★ Wife Uses This Heart Cure and Gets Husband Off Meds!

June 21st, 2016 at 2:36 pm PDT

A Loving Wife Confiscates Husband's Statin Drugs, Puts Him on Cardio FX Instead Our society craves drama between dysfunctional couples. The more abusive, the better. Flip to a reality TV show and you'll see verbal assau ...

~MUST READ BLOG! Ghostwriter Speaks Out!

June 21st, 2016 at 7:03 am PDT

Friend, For years, I’ve been saying that medical ghostwriting is the biggest threat to medicine. It's the primary reason so many people are hooked on drugs...but it gets shockingly worse. My latest interview with a former Pharma ghostwriter is a ...

~Happy Birthday Aubrey!

June 17th, 2016 at 7:14 am PDT

Today Aubrey turns one! A little about her, she loves headbands, soft blankets and giving her youngest brother Skyler snarky looks...she's still trying to find out why he cries and whines so damn much. Aubrey is an observer and lover of life, alwa ...

~Pic After Having 4 Kids

June 17th, 2016 at 6:48 am PDT

That's my wife after 4 kids. She just snapped this so I could brag and sell you the EXACT program she uses to stay ultra-hot...Our youngest Aubrey is 1 year old today! Skyler is 2, Blair 10 and Lily 14. She isn't carrying any more baby weight. She is ...

Cancer in Your Soap and Cleaning Products?

June 16th, 2016 at 7:29 am PDT

Friend, If you want to win the war on cancer, you have to stop using the crap that causes it. And that starts with your soaps and cleaning supplies. Cocamide DEA ring a bell? A known cancer causing compound, its commonly used as a foaming agent in ...

Off Insulin: This Guy Cured Diabetes in Weeks!

June 15th, 2016 at 3:13 pm PDT

On Meds Off Meds: What Happens in Only 6 Weeks! Meet Ken. After reading my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, he emailed me to say: ”I st ...

~Again, Lowering Cholesterol Doesn't Work!

June 15th, 2016 at 6:15 am PDT

Yet another study shows that cholesterol-lowering drugs are nothing more than a fraudulent scheme to hook people on dangerous meds, for life. “Dashing Hopes, Study Shows a Cholesterol Drug Had No Effect on Heart Health,” reads The New York Time ...

~REPORT! Bone Building Pills!!!!

June 14th, 2016 at 7:09 am PDT

"Bone Building" Pills That Weaken Bones? Above is your bone on "bone building drugs." Yea, far right - the one that looks like a dismantling spider web. It was weakened by the drug "Boniva," brought to you by Sally Fie ...

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