Subject: ~How Hormones HEAL Painful Joints (PIC) - At Any Age!

~How Hormones HEAL Painful Joints (PIC) - At Any Age!

November 5th, 2015 at 2:47 pm PDT

At 68, Kathy Proves Your Joints are Never Too Old To Feel Young! Western Medicine loves to scare people into believing that getting old is an illness. And most people let themselves believe the cheap sales ploy, as seen ...

Daraprim Scandal: Price Jump from $13.50 to $750 Overnight!

November 5th, 2015 at 8:46 am PDT

Friend, I was too busy to comment on the Daraprim price hike... But it seems that Wall Street successfully made billions from a very cheap and old drug...Like recycling a pair of old underwear and selling it at Nordstroms. Used for about 62 years, ...

Yes, this will cure gout or I refund you!

November 4th, 2015 at 1:37 pm PDT

Friend, Yes! Without a doubt, Joint FX ( will cure gout. I get this question weekly! Without a doubt, Joint FX will dissolve painful gout crystals (uric acid) in a matter of hours to days! It works that fast. Taken over time, ...

~Why Obama Keeping Troops in Afghanistan

November 4th, 2015 at 6:59 am PDT

Friend, I don't watch the news. Unfortunately, it plays at the gym when I'm crushing The 18-Minute Workout. And it never fails to infuriate me. Mainly, because I can't believe people believe it and voluntarily watch it. The recent headlines we ...

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