Subject: PCTV: Date Night with My Kids - DONT EAT THIS POPCORN!

PCTV: Date Night with My Kids - DONT EAT THIS POPCORN!

July 19th, 2012 at 12:25 pm PDT

Friend,The "chemicalization" of our food is one of the greatest health risks of all time.That's why I avoid certain foods. But it doesn't mean I have to go without...In this latest PCTV clip, watch as my son Blair and I make our favorite,all-natural ...

Shirtless pic! I'm not the fittest or most ripped guy at gym....

July 17th, 2012 at 4:57 am PDT

Friend, (Pic taken by wife's cell phone)The world has gone mad, mostly. Especially when it comes to dieting.We put a man on the moon. Yet, we still can't figure out how to diet, correctly.It's ridiculous. When it comes to having your best physique, ...

No more injury! Hormones that heal

July 11th, 2012 at 6:02 am PDT

Friend, Age is a matter of how active you are, not how many years you've been alive. I know 60 year olds that live younger than some 20 years olds. That's because they know how to harness their healing hormones! Did you know that the biggest obsta ...

How she got to her "fighting weight!"

July 10th, 2012 at 4:45 am PDT

Friend, Making weight can challenge your mental toughness. It dominated my life for 10 years. And I was miserable for most of it. But, my love for wrestling and winning kept me doing it. It wasn't sustainable, though. Once my wrestling career end ...

Hidden Truth about Aspirin and Alternatives!

July 9th, 2012 at 2:41 am PDT

Friend, For a short while, I've escaped the busy streets of Los Angeles. For us, summer is all about family time. So, we've been traveling. If you know me, then you know my family loves to visit new places. Still though, despite the rest and relax ...

How to Stop Sugar Cravings with Two Natural Compounds

July 3rd, 2012 at 11:07 am PDT

Friend, I love sugar. It's great for parties and makes an easy gift. Plus, you can bribe kids with it. (I'm only kidding.) But, lets face it. Sugar is the devil. That's why, you have to shut down sugar cravings on the molecular level. Sugar is ...

Vitamin D. Best Heart Pill, Worst Heart Pill?

June 30th, 2012 at 7:36 am PDT

From the Desk of The People's Chemist Did you know that before it was packaged as "vitamin D," it was sold as a rat poison by the name of "Quintox?"In this latest issue, I outline the best and worst heart cures. Enjoy. Best Heart Pills Worst Heart ...

Hairy Landing in My Plane Serves as Big Reminder!

June 28th, 2012 at 6:15 am PDT

Friend, Did I push it too far? See the pics and let me know what you think at my latest blog post about a hairy landing my family experienced in our small plane. At the same time, learn why I would never use this certain class of drugs before a f ...

Yahoo Features Hawthorn Cure as Doctors Favorite!

June 26th, 2012 at 8:55 am PDT

Friend, This is called a “shameless plug.” It will save your life. And you'll learn a few things about your heart. If I were you, I’d start using hawthorn immediately to prevent and/or fix cardiovascular problems... As a guy who loves workin ...

Your Weight and Your DNA

June 25th, 2012 at 7:32 am PDT

Friend, I've been studying weight loss for 23 years. As a high school and collegiate athlete, my entire life centered around finding new and creative ways to stay lean. As a medicinal chemist, I eventually studied obesity and it's relation to our ...

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