Subject: War Vet Poisoned at Hospital
War Vet Poisoned at Hospital
August 23rd, 2007 at 7:57 am PDTFriend,My newest blog entry reflects how American's are losing lives to the health system - i.e sick care system.You'll want to wake some friends up with this one. Forward it. your Health and Awareness,The Pe ...
Natural Face Lift
August 17th, 2007 at 8:11 am PDTFriend,Ever wonder how to keep your face looking as young as possible?My wife owns a beauty salon. And many of her clients over 50 are eager to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to look as young as possible. She is quick to teach them about using a ...
I was ROUND!
August 17th, 2007 at 7:04 am PDTFriend,I would not want you to have to learn this the hard way...The main lesson: Eat More Calories, Burn More Fat. Sounds crazy to most. But here is how I learned this:My body was expanding with fat right before my wife's eyes. And she made it ...
Calorie Winners and Losers
August 9th, 2007 at 10:02 am PDTWhat is the difference between a calorie from an Oreo cookie and a calorie from grass-fed beef? Are they created equal? Why or why not? Time Magazine: The more low calorie (or even zero calorie) sodas and foods you consume, the more your body dem ...
Eat Low Calorie Foods to Get Fat
August 9th, 2007 at 3:37 am PDTFriend,I'm having a contest! The average American has no idea how to lose unsightly belly fat while building sexy muscle. This can be seen by the fact that most of them are overtly obese and still count calories to lose weight. As shown in my Peo ...
Are Your Ideas Causing Cancer?
August 6th, 2007 at 10:56 am PDTAre your Ideas and Habits causing Cancer? By The Peoples As highlighted in my book, Health Myths Exposed, habits create and eradicate disease. Are your habits killing you or are they ensuring that y ...
New Stinky Sulfur Award
August 3rd, 2007 at 6:15 am PDTFriend,Most people wonder why doctors still adhere to the antiquated and deadly model of prescription drug use. My new Stinky Sulfur Award shows why: Medical doctors are threatened with their license if they don't give drugs, period. See: http:/ ...
Stinky Sulfur Award and a Natural Cure
July 30th, 2007 at 7:13 am PDTFriend,I wanted to let you know about some exciting updates!In addition to recently posting the absolute most hilarious and beneficial article on fat loss ever written, I have added more amazing health education. Here it is:A topical pain killer has ...
Natural Cures
July 27th, 2007 at 11:01 am PDTFriend,My Natural Cures database has been updated. Regarding the most recent update, one medical journal bravely stated: ...It showed anticancer activity on diverse cancer cells representing different types of cancer. Interestingly enough, I was revi ...
Your Hidden Weapons of Fat Destruction
July 27th, 2007 at 8:47 am PDTFriend,You have weapons of fat destruction. And you are hiding them - probably unknowingly...Take 4 minutes to learn how to find and use them! Click here. one is hilarious and vital to longevity.Enjoy,The Peoples Ch ...