Subject: ~Zika Gonna Get Yea?

Zika virus is here!


How many times will they play the same song with a new title?

If you're over 30 years old and have a few working brain cells, surely
you've noticed the pattern?

SARS will kill us all. We need money to protect you.

Bird Flu on a rampage. We need money to protect you.

AIDS attacking gay men. We need money to protect you.

Ebola ravishing Africans. We need money to protect you.

Zika! We need…Well, you know...millions of dollars are shoveled
to Big Pharma (usually Monsanto) in the name of fear.

The Miami Herald reports that, "A total of four people in South Florida
have acquired the virus from local mosquitoes, marking the first locally
spread Zika cases in the continental United States."

Health officials are responding to this so-called "crisis" by spraying boat
loads of pesticides (from Monsanto) in the area.

Your town is next.

I'm more concerned about all the lazy sacks of shit glued to their cell
phones, scrolling Facebook 24/7 - driving down the road recklessly or leaving
their kids at the dinner table in total silence and abandonment.

Sharon Nagel "normally carries a handheld sprayer while scouring for
mosquito breeding areas. But on Saturday morning, the Miami-Dade mosquito
inspector had a five-liter drum of pesticides strapped to her back and a
fanny pack brimming with jars of chemicals," writes Miami Herald.

Guess who gets paid?


Why not cover daycares in antibiotics, pesticides and antivirals? Damn kids
are covered in biological nasties…

Makes no sense.

All the world is a stage.

Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Kary Mullis, has already come forward to speak out
on the phony tests used to stage "outbreaks…" Zika is no different.
This was conveniently missed by millions who can't read beyond headlines.

The Zika virus only exists in the news. Can you find it in nature if you
looked hard enough? Of course! Was it the cause of all the horrific
abnormalities among newborns? Of course not.

Does it rationalize the use of cancer causing pesticides?

Get real.

Luckily, Mother Nature equipped humans with an immune system for a reason.
Our immune system is a brilliant work of nature designed to combat enemy
invaders on its own - but it can only kick the ass of "biological nasties" when
you give it the proper nutrients and support.

My safe, natural supplement, Immune FX (, is loaded
with natural immune boosters that ramp up immune activity to favor
eradication of foreign invaders.

Get rid of the common cold.

Get rid of strep throat.

Get rid of the flu.

Get rid of allergies.

It works!

Learn more at

Don't fear Zika. Fear Monsanto.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. In 1995, the World Health Organization commented on the insecticide
pyriproxyfen. They warned that, "As pyriproxyfen is a relatively new
pesticide, few environmental data have been collected to date. However,
there is potential for direct exposure through drinking water
when pyriproxyfen is directly applied to drinking-water storage

To test safe upper limits, Monsanto began adding it aggressively to drinking
water in Brazil. A side effect of the insecticide? Encephalitis.

Think about it…

If Zika caused the horrific abnormalities among newborns in Brazil,
then that the insecticide failed miserably despite the heavy doses in drinking
water...Not plausible. It's more likely that mom and baby were poisoned
courtesy of Monsanto testing their relatively new insecticide.

P.S. Out of hundreds of millions of citizens in the U.S., FOUR people in
Florida were infected with the so-called Zika virus. This warrants a
national freakout?…plus a shit load of pesticides being sprayed into the
air? Gimme a break. This is just more drug company hype to get everyone
vaccinated out the @ss, and to give chemical manufacturers a raise. When
you have a strong, healthy immune system - courtesy of Immune FX
( - you don't have to worry about this kind of
nonsense. Ignore the news, ditch the pesticides, and live young!