Subject: Your Weight and Your DNA


I've been studying weight loss for 23 years. As a high school and
collegiate athlete, my entire life centered around finding new and
creative ways to stay lean. As a medicinal chemist, I eventually
studied obesity and it's relation to our genetics - DNA.

Are we doomed to be fat based on genetics?


Our lifestyle dictates how our genes express themselves.

But, that doesn't mean we can't inherit obesity from our parents...

Most of the time, obesity is handed down from our parents.

Does this sound confusing? Maybe a little...But instead of thinking in terms of genes, think in
terms of habits.

More than our genes, habits are handed down to children that can cause them to be fat.

Have you ever looked at the habits of your parents and compared them to yours? Then compare
your weight?

As parents, what habits are you teaching your kids that might be making them
gain weight?

Sure, our physical stature is encoded and dictated by DNA. But, how much fat our frame carries
is not. That's dictated by habits.

If you change your habits, you change your physique.

But you need to know what those habits ARE!

Trust me, it's true! Habits create or eradicate obesity.

A fan recently emailed me her fat loss success
using my 10 Habits to Automatic Fat Loss (Which is FREE if you keep

"Just thought I would let you know I have lost 35 pounds!
Thanks. I am taking cinnergy and ThermoFX, along with following
your 10 Habits for Automatic Fat Loss."

One crucial part of this success is a "thermogenic aid" known as ThermoFX.

ThermoFX is like a heat seeking missile. It finds fat cells and destroys them on
contact. When it comes to fat loss, it's like cheating and winning.

You take one and feel great. You wonder if it's OK to be doing it...Then you notice your
jeans getting smaller. At that point, you don't care anymore. You just hope you don't run out!

For a limited time, I'll prove it to you...

Order ThermoFX and you get my 10 Habits audio CD FREE! But it won't last. Here is the link:

Get ThermoFX and the 10 Habits audio CD FREE (A $14.95 Value):

To living thin and slim,

The People's Chemist