Subject: Your Natural Blood Pressure Cure


Let me be frank: Blood pressure meds, known technically as
"Beta-Blockers," cause massive weight gain, making users
eligible for the Fat Gain Hall of Fame. Not cool.

Consider these quotes from leading medical journals:

"treatment with beta-blockers [blood pressure meds] may
further reduce facultative thermogenesis [fat burning] and
promote weight gain. The consequence may be aggravation
of hypertension, insulin resistance and other atherogenic

"Apart from concerns regarding potential adverse metabolic effects on
lipids or insulin sensitivity, beta-blockers [blood pressure meds]
can also cause weight gain in some patients. This fact appears
little known to clinical practitioners [physicians] and trialists."

The solution is simple: Get off the drugs and use a proven
natural cure to dangerous blood pressure levels.

Here are some telling quotes from people who have done just that:

"2 Weeks on CardioFx, my Dad is off the meds, energy rising, stamina
higher than ever. Blood pressure has never been better. He doesn't have
any type of drug induced haze that previously slowed him down. Thanks!"

"I recently ordered CardioFX primarily to help maintain healthy blood pressure
levels. But yesterday I decided to put it to the test to see how it would
affect a workout. I took one capsule 30 minutes before going on a 3-mile dry
sand beach run. The afternoon winds were picking up, so I knew it would be
a tough run. But the effects of CardioFX amazed! Never did I feel the normal
fatigue of such a tough run, especially considering the headwinds. The last
mile had me feeling stronger than the first two, and my breathing was so
controlled throughout that I could have carried on a conversation. Afterward,
my heavy breathing returned to relaxed breathing within about 3 minutes, and
I felt more energized the rest of the day! Unbelievable! What an amazing
product. Thanks!!!

Get my cardiovascular repair kit and FULL report with video at:

Control Blood Pressure
Supercharge Heart Health
Smother The Scorching Flames of Cardiovascular Inflammation
Bust Unruly Blood Clots

To your heart,

The People's Chemist