Subject: Your Health and The AMA



Feb. 15th, 2011  

From The Desk of The People's Chemist

Please forward to your friends and family. I wanted this to be the most clear explanation of why we are being poisoned with medications, while inexpensive, natural medicine remains hidden from the public eye. The findings are astounding.

The American Medical Association (AMA): Two Ways They Get You Hooked on Prescription Drugs
By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison
2011 All Rigths Reserved (C)

Disaster for many means profit for a few. And the actions of the American Medical Association (AMA) over the last 163 years prove that the most heinous conspiracies operate under this modus operandi. Founded in 1847, the AMA set out to “promote the art and science of medicine for the betterment of public health.” But the benevolent veil is wafer thin.

Full article was BANNED from mass email! It's true!

