Subject: ~Your BP Meds Making You Feel Lousy? Try this....


More than half of the people who go on BP meds, get off them!

According to the FDA, that's because they are making patients
feel horrible!

No surprise there.

BP meds are notorious for causing weight gain, depression,
diabetes and even cancer!

As a chemist for Big Pharma, I've been studying this class of medications
for well over twenty years!

And in fact they're the subject of my new book 3 Worst Meds.

In it, I show why you must ditch your meds before they sabotage your
health. I also outline readily available, hidden alternatives!

Many of the natural alternatives have been the focal point of top secret
pharmaceutical research due to their wild efficacy and safety! But since
they pose too much competition to meds, most have been forgotten...

And that's a damn shame because if med are making people feel sick,
their doctor should be giving them a healthier alternative!

But don't wait for that to happen.

Instead, doctors are now taking urine samples of patients to see if in
fact they are "taking their meds!"

The focus of NPR's Health News, patients are now being tested for
drug compliance.

"Research shows roughly half of patients don't take their high blood
pressure medicine as they should, even though heart disease is the
leading cause of death in America. For many unfortunate people, their
first symptom of high blood pressure is a catastrophic cardiac event.
That's why hypertension is called the "silent killer."

"A drug test is now available that can flag whether a patient is actually
taking the prescribed medication. The screening, which requires a urine
sample, is meant to spark a more truthful conversation between patient and

This is nothing more than a cheap sales ploy disguised as news.

Rising blood pressure as we age is not a killer!

If you want off meds there's a better way!

Take charge of your health with my book, 3 Worst Meds and my hawthorn
rich Cardio FX!

(Spend $89 or more and I'll ship for FREE!)

Order at

A 5-Star Amazon review reads, "Learned so much from this book and also
applied his advice and IT WORKS! Started his Cardio FX and can't
believe my eyes the difference is makes with my number!!"

Stop wasting away on meds!

Start taking action with 3 Worst Meds and Cardio FX at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Stop being bullied! Stop being medicated! Take charge now with
3 Worst Meds book and Cardio FX...I'll ship for FREE!