Subject: ~Your A1C Blood Results


Success is simple: Learn how to follow directions.

...I've been getting a ton of emails this week about A1C levels.

Let me clarify this A1C stuff!...but first, let's discuss "following directions."

I'll make this quick.

When I learned to fly, I was horrible at landings. I overthought
everything. I failed miserably.

Then, I remembered my mantra: Learn to follow directions.

I had to stop thinking about it for myself and take direction from someone
who had done it before me.

So, I heeded every word of my instructor.

Soon enough, I was landing my bird under any condition.

As The People's Chemist for more than 10 years, I can attest to the fact
that the vast majority of people can't follow directions.

Even right now, with specific instructions on what A1C is and how to lower it,
99% of people will try some new fangled magic bullet, over what is
proven to work...or gulp down a prescription drug.

Nevermind that there isn't a single, FDA approved drug that can lower

Those who can follow instructions, however, are always rewarded.

"I took Cinnergy and followed your Sugar Detox plan.
My A1C check was down from 9.8 in January to 5.4 in June.
No metformin as prescribed. They wanted me to take 1500
mg a day. They acted pissed when I told them I didnt want meds."

Let's discuss the A1C blood work....The A1C is a measure of how much
sugar has attached to your hemoglobin.

When your body doesn't use sugar properly, it starts to stick to all sorts
of things, including the oxygen carrying cells of your blood.

And that's sad, cause when hemoglobin can't bind to oxygen, you
slowly suffocate. Technically, it's called glycation.

If glycation isn't controlled, the slow suffocation causes heart failure,
erection failure, memory failure, and lots more...

The quick and easy fix is to force your muscles to USE UP SUGAR

That's what Cinnergy does. It increases your body's sensitivity to sugar
so that it uses it for energy, rather than letting it float in blood and ruin
your health.

If you want to be free of glycation and have a healthy A1C level,
start here:

And while you're ordering, you can throw away your metformin and

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is a potent blend of cinnamon and milk thistle that works
by sweeping sugar out of your blood! Think of it as the sugar janitor.
Without it, your blood gets very dirt. Save 15% when you buy 3 or more