Subject: Younger, Fitter, Stronger

New Document


March 10, 2011

  From The Desk of The People's Chemist

Dropping Six Sizes Happens No Matter What...Even If You’re Diabetic, In Menopause or have a Sluggish Thyroid!

WARNING: If you have a keen talent for inventing excuses out of thin air, you may suffer from rare, but serious side effects of Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT). If you are chronically ill with the Whine Flu, this may not be right for you...But, the results can be astounding. (See pics below)

Sandi K. dropped many sizes, and had lots of excuses not to!

The Excuses She Ignored:

She was doped up on fat fertilizing prednisone for three years.

She suffered from Crohn’s disease.

And she felt weak and lethargic…and all the while she was in menopause.

The last thing she thought she could do was get fit, lean and turn heads!

But, she was willing to give it 90 days with my AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery…

And here is what she said over that time:

“Ok this stuff is cutting my appetite in half! No cravings for sugar. LOTS of energy & hot flashes are going away..... Waist tightening up. Starting to look forward to summer! Thanks coach!”

“I also noticed I have NO digestive issues at all.”

“Feeling really good- energized, sleeping well & ready to HIT my day in the morning!

“No matter what I did aside from fasting on liquid, it didn’t work! But your stuff has totally helped! I feel like a new woman. I know I’ll feel better every month in the future.”

“I was probably one of your worst case scenarios.

“People are noticing and they want to know what I’m doing.... My hips are getting thinner and I have energy.” “Fat loss is great! I've dropped six sizes!!! Feel super fantastic.”

Yes! I want to dedicate 90 days to being a HIT Man or Woman (Only about $4 per day!):

It’s all about hormones

To understand the miracle-like benefits of my AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery, you must understand the complexity of the human metabolism. It’s a delicate and intricate balance of hormone production and balance. I call this “hormone intelligence.”

And when activated, hormone intelligence controls proper organ function, hormonal activity, mood, appetite control, thyroid function and biogenic amine output…and everything else!

Yes! I want to dedicate 90 days to being a HIT Man or Woman (Only about $4 per day!):

Growing Younger, Fitter, Stronger

What to Expect While Cheating Your Metabolism

Imagine all the benefits you can have once you utilize HIT:

  • Feel confident that you won’t be in the “danger zone” of risk for life threatening, debilitating health problems like heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer

  • Know that you have a healthy, fit body that will carry you well into your golden years with zest and vitality

  • Have the confidence that comes with looking your best in a bathing suit

  • Smile the entire time you are out buying a new wardrobe

  • Enjoy the envy from your friends as you sport smaller, sexier clothes

  • Rest easy knowing that your heart isn’t being overworked by excess fat and sugar overload

  • Be confident in the bedroom knowing that your libido will respond and that you can enjoy your spouse like you were meant to

    Work directly with me to reach your best physique at any age! Limited spots!

    Will you keep putting off losing those unwanted pounds and sitting on the ticking time bomb of health problems that could go off at any moment?

    Stop gambling with your health, and discover the simple, effective solution that will melt away your excess fat – giving you the look you’ve always wanted, and the peace of mind that only comes with a fit, healthy body!

    I’m now open to working directly with people who are dead serious about crushing dead weight!

    Yes! I want to dedicate 90 days to being a HIT Man or Woman (Only about $4 per day!):

  • Live Young!

    The People's Chemist