Subject: ~You better thank Ed!

Just got an email from Ed.

He might be the saint everyone wants.

He ditched the hypromellose caps, disguised as veggie caps.

Smart dude.

But he cares so much that he reached out to one of the largest
retailers, Swanson, to warn them of their "veggie caps!"

Here's his email to me:

"Having read your e-mail (presentation is funny) on the hypromellose
capsules, I contacted Swanson about their use. I use some of their items
and was so disappointed knowing the harmful affects in using them. In fact
some of the health problems that you mentioned were affecting me...
Their response was positive, see below. Thank you for your golden nuggets
of truth. 8-). Sincerely, Edward

Swanson stepped up to respond:

Hello Edward! We wanted to thank you for bringing this to our attention as
we are now learning that hypromellose - AKA veggie cap - is hardly natural.

We will consider switching to gelatin because only hot water is used in the
extraction process. Thank you,Chris N, Wellness Advocate, Swanson Health

Ed and Chris are to be commended!

Surely, they do not represent the cretinous masses...

From once being a nation that led the world in science, medicine, and
disease prevention, America has descended into a pit of instant
gratification, pill-worship, non-questioning zombies...

...and these same zombies worship their masters...the ones who feed them
poison in "veggie" caps that bind to their insides and halt water and nutrient

Great f@#cking work everyone!

But not Ed and Chris!

If you're reading this and still choking down "veggie caps," you need
to take 8 minutes to read this:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist