Subject: You are carrying extra weight if...


Feb. 18, 2011

By Jeff Milano, CEO

Face it. Most of us lie to ourselves. It’s much easier to deny that we might be entering the “Fat Gain Hall of Fame.” But every now and then we get some stark reminders. I have, and it makes me take action every day based on what I’ve learned and taught working as CEO for

By teaching unique methods of controlling hormones, The People’s Chemist helps those of all ages remain thin, slim, healthy, happy, and all-out noticeable!

Note: He was ALWAYS working out! And taken OFF a "low-fat diet." Look what happened after 90 days of being a HIT Man!

So, here is a little push to get you into action…

You know you’re carrying excess weight if:

    1. You have to lie on the bed to button up those new jeans you bought last month

    2. You “muffin-top” when you finally get those jeans on

    3. You think you have a thyroid problem when you really just have a potato chip or “carbivore” problem (one who eats their weight in carbohydrates)

    (Note: You have a thyroid problem because you are carrying excess weight, not the other way around. Your poor little thyroid is exhausted. All the thyroid supplements in the world aren't going to change the fact that you are carrying too much weight and until that goes, the condition remains.)

    4. You think frozen yogurt is healthy, because... it's yogurt, right?

    5. You have plenty of money for ice cream, soda, fat-free cookies and chips, but "can't afford" to shop organic

Stop the sabotage and lies!

Far too many people are carrying excess weight! The CDC (Center for Disease Control) released a report on U.S. Obesity trends early this year, which states that obesity is a major risk factor for heart disease, certain types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. Duh! But what’s most important about that is you don’t have to fight heart disease, cancer or diabetes if you just get your weight in check!

The People’s Chemist recently wrote on his Face Book wall that, “If people feared obesity as much as they did cancer, there would be very little cancer…”

The CDC report proves this statement true.

* Dedicate 90 Days to becoming a HIT Man or Woman at

So where do you begin when it comes to losing weight?

Do you buy the latest exercise gizmo?

Do you start eating like a bird?

Do you start fasting like a Buddhist monk?

Do you go on thyroid medication?

Do you start drinking diet soda?


How to Get Noticed!

The truth is you don’t do any of that!

If you want to lose weight, forget about “losing weight” and focus on your hormones! That will get you noticed! Seriously. Think about it.

You could eat one Twinkie per day and lose weight.

You could eat one snickers bar per day and lose weight.

You could abstain from water all day and lose weight.

You could eat “500 calories” per day and lose weight.

But losing weight like this only provides short term benefit, and long term illness.

What you really want is fat loss with simultaneous muscle growth, not “weight loss.”

And to harness that, you need the right hormones!

Did you know that your body is its own natural hormone factory! But only if you force it to be with Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT)!

* Dedicate 90 Days to becoming a HIT Man or Woman at

HIT Men and Women Do More Than Get Back into Their Skinny Jeans!

You can force your natural pharmacy to use its own hormones to shed unwanted fat and excess weight. Even better, you end up warding off cardiovascular disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes all in one! And other people will start to notice the difference. This is what happens…When you harness HIT.

You know you are a HIT Man or Women when:

1. You’re not afraid to take off your shirt or wear a bikini at the beach...

2. A HIT woman enjoys being noticed at Whole Foods and doesn't mind being stopped in the store to answer the occasional question, "Oh my God! You look great! What do you do?"

3. A HIT man likes the personal satisfaction of being assured that he does NOT look like his father and he doesn't have to - genetics actually has nothing to do with it.

4. HIT Men and Women have skin that glows…Sure it might age, but it looks vibrantly healthy.

5. HIT Men and Women occasionally party their ass off without being put into the Fat Gain Hall of Fame.

Dedicate 90 Days to becoming a HIT Man or Woman at

Being fat, isn't just about being fat

See, we're not just talking about losing weight for the sake of losing weight. We’re talking about getting a lean, sexy look along with a vibrantly healthy life. We’re talking about being a Mom-In-a-Thong, or a Fat Man Turned Sexy. We're talking about getting everyone out of the Fat Gain Hall of Fame so they can live disease free!

And you only need 90 days to do it!

It's your life. What are you going to do about it? Live with extra weight or live young? Dedicate 90 Days to becoming a HIT Man or Woman at

Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist