Subject: ~You Can't Have This And Be Overweight At The Same Time!


You can't be overweight and healthy at the same time.

People hate hearing this.

I get it.

When I was 205lbs - 30% body fat - I ignored it, too.

But, the truth haunted me:

As we gain weight, we lose valuable time.

Despite this scientific fact, most people would rather stay overweight
and treat the symptoms - sore joints, high blood pressure,
pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease and cancer...

Those guilty of this hold tight to a false sense of security..."My knees
feel great! I got my BP down!"

You can treat symptoms all day long. But you'll never preserve
longevity. You'll just live a shorter, more comfortable, life.

In 2008, recognizing the alarming death rates caused by obesity, the
National Academies Press wrote that, "Today, death is more likely to be
caused by long-term chronic conditions that have been treated but not
cured [obesity]."

So instead of chasing symptoms, I cured my obesity.

I didnt use hardcore exercise. I didn't starve. I didn't eat the crap sold
in the Gluten-free aisle. I didn't choke down veggies 24/7.

I used my chemistry background to get my hormones in check with 6
simple habits!

No matter your age or condition, you can do the same!

The six habits are not only easy, but also affordable!

My 90-day program is 20% off and you get a ton of FREE educational
material with it at

One caveat: If you're not willing to dedicate a few hours to learning
something new, don't even think about using this program.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's lazy a$$hole's who order the 90-day
package but fail to read a damn thing! They don't read labels. They
don't read The Quick Start Guide. They sure as hell don't read the book
or listen to the short audio CD...they're just choice.

If you choose not to read, you choose to be stupid.

So if that's you, don't buy it.

My 90-day program requires a true passion for learning, taking action
and living your best life!

It doesn't take hardcore willpower. Just some learning.

Once you start to live by the 6 simple habits, your hormones stop
conspiring against you! That means you stop craving crap. You start
having more energy. You start feeling happier!

But most important, your body becomes the healing factory it was meant
to be. You become indestructible. The symptoms of obesity vanish.

Time is added, rather than subtracted.

That's living young! And it takes learning! If stupid by choice,
it's not for you.

Save 20% now on my 90 day program:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. How hard is it to follow 6 simple habits? A lot of people ask that...
I'll tell you that it's VERY hard if you're unwilling to read...See