Subject: ~You Can Have YOUNG Knees!


I HAD to send this...I know it's friday afternoon, but
this is awesome. It's very reflective of emails I get weekly
about Joint FX making knees young again.

You don't need to rush to surgery to have younger knees.

You don't need meds!

Just like making a baby, the body is well equipped to heal as long as you
give it the nutrients it needs to activate its healing hormones.

Sue is proof.

"Two years ago I was told by my healthcare provider that I might as well
plan on knee replacement surgery as soon as I am eligible for Medicare in a
year and a half. This is the same person who told me to take Claritin for
allergies and a daily aspirin. She said my knee joints looked like

"At that time I actually went through 6 months of physical therapy and
acupuncture plus yoga as well as the usual chiropractic visits. Still had
pain, limping on the ankle I broke 30 years ago that had arthritis and even
edema on that ankle leg. Although I was feeling comparatively better but I
was still not able to enjoy the long walks and activities I'd enjoyed in
years past. I was told it in normal as we age."

"I ordered the discounted 3 pack of Joint FX ( a while
ago and am getting ready to order another! My knee pain is almost gone
and the swelling in my knees has disappeared!"

"Siblings of mine have opted for knee and even hip replacements and they are
still inactive and feeling pain in other joints. I've talked to them about
this yet, as this email said, people choose to find natural ways to feel
great or they wallow in their pain as a permanent part of their life.
Thank you!"

"Friends and family tell me I have lost weight and I look great yet I think
it's mostly muscle toning and fat burning. I also know I have a lot of work
to do before I am as slim and fit as I will ultimately be."

"I started a new job in February that requires me to be active and on my
feet from 2pm-10pm four days a week at a memory care center, and even
though it was hard at first, I am now active and energetic all day."

"I am grateful that you are out there to help balance what most are told is
their only alternative; to be drugged into oblivion and sliced up!"

Thank you!

-Sent from my iPad

Thankfully Sue took charge...She didnt ask her doctor for meds. She didn't
go to the local grocery store to buy crap like glucosamine HCl or chondroitin.
She didn't start some new, stupid diet...She used Joint FX.

Bad knees are NOT normal. Incredulous that any doctor would say this.
If they truly understood the body, they would know how amazing the body
is at healing itself...

Start using Joint fX now for younger joints:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist