Subject: Yes, you can rebuild cartilage.

What To Take When Your Cartilage Has Been Worn Down So Much That You Experience "Bone on Bone" Pain
59-year-old Brenda, was told by her doctors that she'd be lucky if she "could still walk by the time she reached 60." Having sustained a few injuries in the past, she'd undergone three knee surgeries. The ongoing pain was intolerable.

"I could hardly walk," says Brenda. "I was told that my joints were bone on bone."

The cartilage in Brenda's knees had worn away so much, that NOT BEING ABLE TO WALK seemed inevitable.

She Tried Several Treatments, and Nothing Got Rid of the Knee Pain...

"Brenda describes herself as the kind of person who "likes to use natural, organic, foods and methods for all my needs."

"I first heard about the People's Chemist in an online ad," she explains. "I was experiencing severe joint pain. I was seeing a chiropractor and having acupuncture and treatments on my knees."

Nothing worked. The pain persisted.

This is a common story I hear among my customers.

Vioxx, Celebrex and Ibuprofen Crush Heart Health and More

Eager to free themselves from joint pain, they seek out advice from so-called experts. They undergo various treatments. And in the end, nothing works - they either end up getting confused or feeling worse.

Take Vioxx and Celebrex as an example. The New York Times reported that both, "doubled the risk of heart attacks."

Ibuprofen carries serious risk too. North Carolina Research Campus find that, "...Runners who'd popped over-the-counter ibuprofen pills before and during the race displayed significantly more inflammation and other markers of high immune system response afterward than the runners who hadn't taken anti-inflammatories. The ibuprofen users also showed signs of mild kidney impairment and, both before and after the race, of low-level endotoxemia, a condition in which bacteria leak from the colon into the bloodstream."

Fortunately, Brenda found a solution that actually works...

Joint FX Eliminates Pain, Stiffness, and Swelling - AND Reverses Joint Damage!

"I ordered Joint FX from The People's Chemist, I began using it, and my knees are almost back to normal now. No pain, and I can almost run. I started off taking 8 capsules a day for about 6 weeks, and my knees were almost better at that point. I take 2 per day currently. In another month, if the improvement continues, I will have better knees than I've ever had before."

That my friend, is a true story!

And to think... before Brenda discovered Joint FX, her doctors were telling her she may not be able to walk again!

"I am 59 now, and I am almost running," says Brenda. "Thank you, People's Chemist!!!"

Stop Tolerating Grinding Joint Pain - and Start Using Joint FX

Brenda is a perfect example of what happens when you rebuild your joint cartilage using Joint FX. By giving your body safe, pain-soothing ingredients from Mother Nature, Joint FX not only melts away pain, it also builds up the natural padding in your knees, shoulders, hips, and other joints over time.

You can't go wrong with this supplement.

Joint FX has helped tens-of-thousands go through life feeling younger and stronger.

Brenda is one of many individuals who's had injuries, surgeries, and intense joint pain - yet after taking Joint FX, all of her pain simply vanished like it never happened.

Joint Pain is a B*tch, and You Don't Have to Put Up With Her Anymore

"Now that you know about Joint FX, you have zero excuses for tolerating pain.

Stop messing around with the health of your joints. Get Joint FX now.

Shane Ellison, MS
The People’s Chemist