Subject: Yes, This Sleep Pill Smells "Fishy!"

Recently I sent out an email with subject line “Potent, Natural Sleep
Pill Under Attack!”

In it, I explained how someone threatened to "report me" because
Serotonin FX — my safe, natural sleep aid — "smells horrible."

That person obviously didn’t read the product description before buying;
otherwise, they would have known that valerian stinks because it’s loaded
with volatile, smelly compounds that active sleep receptors in the brain.

Some say it smells like rotten fish; others think it smells like a sweaty foot.

Regardless, the smell doesn’t negate the fact that Serotonin FX induces
deep, REM sleep.

First of all, who the hell buys a product without reading what’s in it?

Secondly, did that person expect me to add artificial flavors and
fragrances to get the pills smelling like their caramel donuts?

After I sent the email, a flood of positive feedback came rushing in. True
TPC fans were as outraged as I was.

“Outrageous!” wrote one fan. “Serotonin FX is the BEST sleep aid I
have EVER used. The very first night I used it, I slept long and deeply —
like a kid! I have not slept like that in at least a decade, probably
longer. I feel like a new person! I took it every night for the first three
nights, and now I only take it twice each week and I still get the
benefits. The smell is a bit weird, but anyone who’s had experience with
natural meds and supplements should not be put off by it. It doesn't smell
‘off’ or spoiled — it’s just got a strong and unique aroma. I
fervently hope this product stays on the market. Signed, happy customer
getting 8 solid hours of sleep each night.”

Great. Another fan, Caroline, wrote: “My husband just started taking the
product 2 days ago and was happy with how it helped him sleep through the

So far so good…

Lynn wrote: “If this person knew anything about real whole food herbs,
they would know that quite a few of the herbs smell strong. Maybe they
should open a fish oil capsule and see how that smells. Or go to a local
herb store and open a bottle of Valerian. It all smells that way. The
People’s Chemist brand is just a much better brand and actually works
without all the side effects of Big Pharma meds. I wake up the next morning
feeling like a new person without STRESS. I have four toddlers I keep every
weekend and Serotonin FX is a MIRACLE for me and a stress reducer.”


And finally, “Merlynn” wrote: “Best stuff ever! The smell is a small
thing compared to the value. It has helped me so much with sleep issues,
depression and anxiety. My teenage son took it last night and usually wakes
up tired and lethargic — he was bubbly and in a good mood this morning!
Relief!! Lol.”

Hmm…Think these people’s lives would be better off without Serotonin
FX?…due to some idiot reporting me to the FDA and getting this effective
sleep supplement pulled off the market?

Here’s a f#cking idea…breathe through your mouth when you take the
pill. Don’t smell it directly through your nose. Read the sales material
before you buy something.

Does better sleep get rid of stupidity?

Learn why Serotonin FX smells and how it shortens recovery time, prevents
depression and increases longevity at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If Serotonin FX goes off the market like so many other great products,
blame the nearest idiot...I've had to pulled for this exact reason over the last
10 years.