Subject: ~Yes! Joint FX Does More Than Cure Gout!

Joint FX doe s more than cure gout.

I'll let a fellow pilot explain:

“I had a back injury about 3 years ago and it really put me down. I was
actually pushing a walker around the shop. I had a ruptured disk and two
protruding ones in my low back. I was facing surgery after doing the limit
of three epidural injections that only produced a short period of

“My weight was not helping, as I was pushing 240 (at about 5’4”
tall). I was showing lots of signs of shortness of breath, lots of joint
pain, not to mention things not working well in the bedroom (which I
figured was normal…. Did I mention I was 71 at the time?)”

“My primary medical doctor was sending me to many specialists to see if I
was healthy enough for the surgery. A few strange things were discovered,
which caused concern yet turned out not be serious — the worst being a
chronic bronchitis condition that was, no doubt, the result from being a
heavy smoker for over 40 years (although I had quit cold turkey 17 years
earlier),” says Ken.

I have to say something....This is what I call being in Pharma hell.

Ken was at the mercy of doctors and nobody knew exactly what the
problem was. Fortunately, he decided he’d had enough and found
The People’s Chemist.

“I am in the aircraft maintenance and restoration business and have been
flying for 44 years holding Commercial Certificate with single engine,
multi-engine, and seaplane ratings and have about 6500 hours. I had gotten
introduced to Shane Ellison through an e-mail he sent out to pilots.
Shane’s approach to keeping in condition to pass the airman’s medical
exam was received loud and clear.”

Meanwhile, Ken’s wife was studying my book, Over-the-Counter Natural
Cures: Expanded [ ].

“She devoured the book, marking it up like a well-used textbook, and
shared its knowledge with many friends and relatives. We started using
Shane’s supplements and were seeing results in weight loss, improved
general health, and getting off medications.”

“I got off the opioids and other stuff the MD was pushing on me and
gradually was able to quit taking Advil completely,” says Ken.

“I used Joint FX (, Cinnergy, Cardio FX, Immune FX,
Daily Dose, Relief FX, the weight loss supplements, and Whey Advanced."

"My wife was taking the same stuff (except for Joint FX). I dropped about
25 lbs, and the wife, about 15 lbs. I decided not to follow through with the
back surgery. Instead I tried a spinal decompression method offered by a local chiropractic / sports & spine therapy clinic.”

At this point, Ken was done with doctors.

He started using my creations to help his body heal on it’s own. In my book, I call this nutrient logic. It dictates that when you flood your body with the right nutrients, it
becomes your greatest healer. Opioids not needed, sourced from nature and
twisted into highly addictive compounds by pharmaceutical chemists,
they’re claiming people’s lives at a frightening pace.

Secondly, avoiding surgery was also a smart move… as surgery often brings
additional complications that make a person’s health far health worse.

“Of course, our health insurance (what a joke) would gladly pay
mega-bucks for cutting me up and possibly making me an invalid, hooked on
many meds, etc., but would not pay a dime of the nearly $7k we paid out of
pocket for real health care,” says Ken.

True…the current “sick care” system is a complete joke. Fuck
Obamacare and the insurance companies. I’ve never given them a penny…. is the only “health insurance” you need!

And where is Ken now?

“A year and a half later, I am pain-free, no surgery, no pain killers, no
nothing other than what I get from the People’s Chemist. We use a variety
of herbs and fresh veggies in our daily smoothies and, as soon as Palmetto+
and Raw T came out I started taking them.”

“Final current status is I wear 8-inch smaller waist pants, am down to
172 and still working on the last 10 lbs. I want to eliminate. My wife has
dropped nearly 40 pounds. I’ll be 75 in 4 months, the wife turns 73 in 3
weeks. We take no prescriptions at all and are both still working
full-time. Plus, she is the bookkeeper for my aircraft business and our
church. Another very important thing to mention is that if anyone thinks
people in their mid 70s, married almost 55 years, can’t have a very
active and satisfying sex life…. NOT SO! I don’t need any little blue
or red pills whatsoever!”

Congrats, Ken, for crawling out of Pharma Hell!

He ditched the meds, dropped the weight, and is now living young.

“Thank you, Shane, and the crew at The People’s Chemist! Feel free to
use any of this in your promotions. Live young and Prosper!” says Ken.

Now it’s your turn. Step away from the mad merry-go-around of doctors and
“specialists,” and learn how to use the principles of natural medicine
to get back to health.

If you're joints are holding you back, start with

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Ken also added: “My wife had me order several more copies of your
book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded [ ]. She
gave them away to people who she felt needed the information desperately
(including some with cancer and considering chemo treatments). The supply
was soon gone, and she had me order another batch, which she also handed
and sent out. To say she is a loyal fan is an absolute understatement. We
will be writing a review for you on Amazon!” Wow, thanks to Ken and his
wife! I appreciate that! Dare to live young!

P.P.S. My 15% Off 3-pack special ends at 7pm tonight. Get it here: