Subject: Yea, I was a raft guide!

Just after my junior year in college, I was awarded a research grant
from Howard Hughes Medical Institute. I was stoked! It paid well
and I was guaranteed an unmatched laboratory experience in

But, it was only 3 days a week. I needed something else to do.

I applied for a job as a raft guide.

"Have you ever guided before?"

"No, I've never even been in a raft. But, I'm a fast learner."

"Great, training starts tomorrow."

It was gonna be an epic summer, I thought...

And it was.

For three months I studied heart disease among mice in hopes of learning
how humans could avoid clogged arteries. My off time was spent taking
families down the Animas River.

That was twenty years ago. And Type II diabetes was just becoming common
vernacular. In our lab, we learned that insulin was the biggest threat to
healthy arteries.

Inflammatory, it caused arteries to swell. At the same time, insulin thickened
the blood, causing unruly blood clots to form and collide with thickened
arterial walls.

It was the perfect storm for deadly stroke and heart attack.

Just today, I took my kids rafting down the very same river I paddled
week in and week out...

Skyler, Blair and Lily suited up. Skyler was technically too young. But, in
his usual, pushy manner, refused to stay home.

"I'm bigger enough Papa to ride the river!"

Fine, let's go.

We all climbed on the bus and prepared to tackle the river with the
same company I worked for two decades prior.

The boats were the same. The life jackets were the same.
And the river flowed the same.

Another epic summer, for sure.

The only thing that changed was the people.

Without fucking exception, every kid and adult who crawled
into the bus was Type II diabetic!

Ten years ago, The Journal of The American Medical Association
wrote that 1 in 3 kids born in 2000 would lose 11 years of their lifespan
to Type II diabetes.

That was being nice.

All 12 kids and their parents accompanying us were slowly losing their
lives to Type II diabetes....which technically means that they will lose
11 epic summers....


One dad even carried an insulin shot in his dry bag!

And that's the absolute worst thing for a Type 2 diabetic!

That's right, the fucking medical industry, the food industry and the
government have not done one fucking thing to help the growing diabetes

...instead, they sell you insulin!

Give me a fucking break. My research over 20 years ago, and plenty more
from scientists all over the world, has shown that insulin is the worst thing
for a Type II diabetic!

That's because Type II diabetes is a disease of TOO MUCH INSULIN!

When the body is overloaded with sugar, the pancreas releases mass
amounts of insulin as a protective mechanism to remove blood. But in time,
the excess is too much to handle. The muscle cells just cant keep up.
They build resistance to insulin and sugar is no longer is removed.

That's why Type 2 diabetes is also called insulin resistance...

Giving MORE insulin just makes matter worse!

It drives me mad to watch this slow suicide....

Would you give someone who had food poisoning MORE bad food?

Fuck no! You'd give them fresh food!

But here we are, in 2017, and Type II diabetics are being given more insulin!

...all for profit!

Yes, you got that right...all for those few people at the top who run the business
model that profits off sick people. Think Wall Street and US Government.

Just last month I spoke with a heart surgeon who came out against this

He was fired!

Read that again.

The good doc was FIRED for trying to help his patients get off the meds
and off the fucking operating table!

Nobody is going to protect you but you.

Everyone else, including your doctor, is a fucking slave to the business
model that enriched their masters...and they aren't speaking out because
they have homes, college tuitions and cars to pay for.

If you're gaining weight...if you're pre-diabetic...if you're already diabetic,
you need to take charge.

Here's how you start beating Type 2 diabetes...

I shit you not, there's a simple way to beat diabetes if you have the balls
to say "fuck the norm."

Start with my triple attack against high blood sugar:

1. Cinnergy (
2. The 18-Minute Workout (FREE - Google it)
3. Daily Dose (

At the same time, dial in your diet:

If it tastes sweet, spit it out. Don't eat anything out of a package or
window. And never drink calories.

Watch the magic happen!

And may you have many more epic summers!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is on a tear...better hurry and stock up at