Subject: ~Yale-Trained Doctor: "Get off these meds!"

Stop everything you're doing for 3 minutes!

Dr. Peter Gøtzsche, MD. — a Danish physician, professor, medical
researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen, Denmark
— has warned that, “The pharmaceutical industry has a huge interest in
treating healthy people with meds.”

One nation under meds, maverick heart surgeon and Ironman Dr. Dwight
Lundell, MD corroborates this conspiracy…In his exclusive interview, he
shows what happens when a doctor tries to go against this well planned
scheme to over medicate patients.

Rather than prescribe the meds and follow the pernicious plans of Big
Pharma and Wall Street, he aimed to switch his patients to natural cures
and healthy lifestyle habits…then it got ugly.

"They" went after his license...

Don't miss it, and be sure to share it!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Don't miss learning from this doctor! He's also an Iron Man
Competitor! He told me, “They Tried to Silence Me After Prescribing These Natural
Cures.” Watch here: