Subject: Yahoo Features Hawthorn Cure as Doctors Favorite!


This is called a “shameless plug.” It will save your life. And you'll
learn a few things about your heart.

If I were you, I’d start using hawthorn immediately to prevent
and/or fix cardiovascular problems...

As a guy who loves working out, flying airplanes and being on top of my game, I don’t go a
day without hawthorn!

...I’d trash all blood pressure meds and heart drugs too if I
were taking them.

Have you heard about the “mortality figures” associated with
these common meds? The body count is growing daily.
The side-effects are so horrendous that patients who simply
wanted to control blood pressure or blood thickness are
keeling-over out-of-the-blue!

Not everyone has been so gullible to take these drugs! Look what
happened to fans who started taking charge of their health with
my ultra-potent hawthorn product.

"With your supplements Cardio FX and Cinnergy me and my husband
were both able to get off our diabetics and blood pressure meds.
 In fact my blood pressure is now better than it was when on the
meds!  We are your #1 Fans!

"I'm really please at the results! My 81 year old husband was
able to get off 3 of his heart meds and its doing great with
Cardio FX.  I'm just really please with the product and I tell
everyone about it. I'm just very happy! I got my brother now
taking your supplements. I tell you who is awesome - that Mr.
Ellison - the chemist!".  FAN

Learn how it does all of this here:

Stop pumping your body with dangerous drugs!

Protect yourself with my ultra-potent form of hawthorn before
it’s too late. CardioFX helps:

Boost blood flow to arteries instantly
Suddenly strengthens heart beat
Slow aging of the heart
Energizes the entire cardiovascular system
Relieves and reverses angina, high blood pressure and even
congestive heart failure

It’s the only medicine that halts the real cause of heart
attack and stroke!

Learn how it does all of this here:
I wouldn’t wait a single second...

Do you know how hard you heart has to work? It never sleeps.
Imagine the energy required. What have you done to help it work
tirelessly day and night?

I didn’t study chemistry and the human body for over 20 years
to sell shady, copy-cat products like CO-Q10, vitamin D, folic
acid, fish oil or whatever else the supplement clowns think is

I studied chemistry so that I, along with my family, could live
longer, better!

Hawthorn is a cure that proves it can be done.

It was recently featured on Yahoo as a “doctors favorite.”

Yahoo News wrote;

Tradition says: From China to Europe to Native America,
herbalists have used hawthorn's green leaves, white or pink
flowers, and tart red fall berries to strengthen cardiovascular
health. "It acts on the muscle of the heart," explained Boericke
in the early 20th century; he suggested prescribing it when
"heart muscles seem flabby, worn out." Scientists date the use of
this shrub to at least the first century, when Dioscorides, a
famed Roman physician, wrote of it in De Materia Medica, which
became the most influential medical treatise of the next 16

Research proves: Recent studies back up the old-time uses,
indicating that antioxidant compounds in hawthorn relax
arterial-wall muscles, increasing blood flow to the heart and
preventing or reducing symptoms of coronary artery disease.
Studies also show that the flavonoids may both prevent and treat
additional cardiac ailments, including congestive heart failure.
An analysis of existing studies done in 2008 by Cochrane
Researchers found that hawthorn extract increases the heart's
strength and exercise tolerance, diminishes its oxygen needs, and
reduces cardiac patients' shortness of breath.

Years ago, I set out to make hawthorn up to five times stronger
so that it would bullet-proof our cardiovascular system. I
wanted to protect it from the environmental onslaught we are
exposed to. Things like alcohol, sugar, obesity and toxins in
drinking water can eat our insides, like termites hollow out

My hawthorn product, CardioFX, puts a stop to it immediately.
And you can measure the benefits with lower blood sugar and heart

Simply take your blood pressure and heart rate in the morning.
Then, do the same the following morning 30 minutes after taking
CardioFX...Watch the magic!

Protect yourself with this ultra-potent form of hawthorn before
it’s too late, CardioFX:

Dare to Live Young,
Shane Ellison