Subject: ~Wrong Guesses on Secret Ingredient


I recently announced that I was sold out of my turmeric/curcumin based
multi-vitamin, Daily Dose. I also told fans that I was adding a brand
new ingredient to the formula.

I asked fans to guess what it might be.

They guessed MSM, alpha-lipoic acid, carnitine....and several others.

Nobody guessed correctly!

Here are some more hints.

It's nature's most phenomenal memory booster...Researched for decades,
it's proven to be the single most important ingredient for building a
bigger, healthier brain.

Like restoring our reflexes, the new ingredient in Daily Dose increases
the brain's ability to think. Just like the current ingredients acts as
body fuel, the new ingredient is a must have for brain fuel.

Researchers have referred to it as a Godsend for restoring and encouraging
memory formation. And that's interesting because it was the active
ingredient in one of the gifts to baby Jesus from the three wise men!

Any idea, now?

We can thank chemistry for discoveries like Daily Dose, especially for
its most important ingredient, turmeric.

Not only does the commonly used spice give cancer cells a biological
smack-down, but it also can prevent unruly and invasive cancer tumors from

Turmeric, otherwise known as “Indian gold,” has been used as an
immunity booster in the Far East for thousands of years, too, probably tens of
thousands. Only in the last two decades has it received attention from
major universities for its ability to fight cancer.

Early in the 1990s, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, in
Houston, found the anticancer effects of turmeric to be “staggering.”
After sprinkling a pinch of the spice on cancer cells in the lab, they
found that it blocked a crucial pathway required for the development of
skin cancer and other types, including prostate tumors.

Epidemiology has further increased the turmeric excitement with population
studies showing that India, the country whose residents consume most of the
world’s turmeric, has the world’s lowest prostate cancer
rate—twenty-five times less than that of men within the United States.

Further studies by the University of Wisconsin and others reported that
turmeric blocks a type of cancer fertilizer known as VEGF (vascular
endothelial growth factor). Without this growth factor, cancer cells are
unable to thrive and eventually commit cell suicide. In 2001, scientists
also discovered that turmeric dampens the inflammation cascade within the
body, thereby stopping the proliferation of cancer in its tracks.

Unlike conventional treatments, turmeric strengthens healthy cells, while
removing cancerous ones with laser like precision. In 2002, scientists began
unraveling how turmeric selectively gave cancer cells a biological
smack-down. They found that cancer cells produce “transcription
factors” that turn off the survival mechanism of cell suicide.
Turmeric’s active ingredients include a host of compounds known as

Collectively, they attack the cancer’s transcription factor. Doing so
restores the cells’ ability to commit suicide and, therefore, frees us from
cancer’s wanton destruction without harming
healthy cells.

In 2008, the medical journal Endocrinology, together with the Medical
College of Wisconsin, studied the curcuminoids extensively. Their positive
results led them to this recommendation: “We propose developing curcumin
as a novel therapeutic tool.”

Thus, Daily Dose is your turmeric based multi-vitamin that shields you
from cancer and so much more!

Stay tuned for re-stock with new ingredient!

Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Daily Dose will sell out upon release. No doubt about it...
Is this a cheap sales ploy? No. But it is a sales ploy and I'm being
honest. So stock up with 3 and save 15% when it's released.