Subject: Wrinkles, Aging, Poor Sleep: One Cure


  March 24, 2011

From the Desk of The People's Chemist 

My main goal as The People's Chemist is to expose things that prevent you from living young. I do this via my Natural Cures Watchdog for FREE so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND! Please join me in my efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones.

Ever wonder why stress makes people look old? Ever wonder why people who exercise too much look old? It's due to the aging curse. Learn how to avoid it in this issue of Natural Cures Watchdog.

Medical Journal Shows Lack of Sleep to Cause Aging Curse!

If you want to look younger—and feel even younger — better sleep may be just what your body needs to “reverse the aging curse.”

Wrinkles come on like gangbusters!

During normal waking hours, all cells are damaged, particularly the powerhouse of the cell – the mitochondria. This can cause wrinkles to come on like gangbusters. But that's just the start.

As the cellular engine, the mitochondria preserves proper DNA function, while ensuring that all the other cells and organs operate at full capacity, enabling them to produce energizing ATP molecules, neurotransmitters (for memory, focus, and enhanced mood), hormones, renewed skin, and lots more.

Getting deep, relaxing REM sleep HEALS the mitochondria so that aging is not intensified! And vice-versa.

When the mitochondria are damaged due to lack of sleep, many vital cellular functions cease to operate at full capacity. Scientists from around the world are sending out warnings...

Scientists Sound Off Alarm

"We found that the metabolic and endocrine changes resulting from a significant sleep debt mimic many of the hallmarks of aging," said Eve Van Cauter, Ph.D., professor of medicine at the University of Chicago and director of the study. "We suspect that chronic sleep loss may not only hasten the onset but could also increase the severity of age-related ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss."

Just as your vehicle’s engine requires fresh, clean oil every 3,000 miles to run smoothly, your body requires time to repair. When we sleep, our cells undergo repair or are replaced by newly generated, healthier cells – so that the vital functions operate efficiently. This deep sleep process reverse the aging curse every night!

If you don’t get uninterrupted REM sleep every night, your internal, “anti-aging mechanism” ceases to exist – The aging curse continues throughout the day and your health tailspins due to “hormonal ignorance.” That's why I designed SerotoninFX.

100% Safe and Natural Sleep Pill

SerotoninFX was designed using the latest in isolation techniques as well as purity analysis. It contains whole herb valerian, concentrated for alkaloids and iridoids, which are proven to work directly on the brain to induce natural, restful sleep. One year of testing with high-performance liquid chromotography (HPLC) and other chemistry methods has given rise to the world's safest and most potent sleeping pill.

SerotoninFX reverses the aging curse by providing valerian and an all-natural amino acid known as L-tryptophan. Combined, they work to boost REM sleep, without causing you to feel drowsy in the morning, or elicit addiction.
One 90ct Bottle $40.00, Buy now:

One fan said, "My husband and I have used Serotonin FX. Let me tell you that is the only sleep aid product that does not give me nightmares. I have tried them all, even Melatonin and nothing works better than his."

When you start using SerotoninFX, you'll notice four instant benefits:

1. It will reduce sugar cravings throughout the day, essential for anyone trying to kick a sugar addiction

2. It will help you release anti-aging hormones like hGH, you'll feel more energized

3. It will help curb overeating because it modulates your hunger hormone - insulin - to ward off appetite

4. It won't cause you suffer from side effects common to sleep meds such as uncontrollable shaking, diarrhea (hopefully not at the same time!), unsteady walking, headaches, getting out of bed while not being fully awake and many other godawful things I don't want to think about

Think you need better sleep?

One 90ct Bottle $40.00, Buy now:

Want to slow the aging process?

One 90ct Bottle $40.00, Buy now:

All Natural, Fast Acting Formula Triggers the Simultaneous Production of Deep Sleep and Anti-Aging Hormones!

WARNING: Side effects may include lower levels of stress and anxiety, increased productivity, higher sex-drive, drastic increase in functional lifespan, better memory, and a more pleasant personality.

One 90ct Bottle $40.00, Buy now:

About the author

Shane Ellison is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. Sign up FREE for his Natural Cures Watchdog at