Subject: ~Worst Test For Pregnant Moms!


Happy Friday!

I've only got a few minutes before my house becomes a whirlwind of
activity. For now, it's quiet, minus a few sirens and helicopters
roaming the streets of Los Angeles.

But soon, Skyler, Blair and Lily will be springing out of bed. In that order.
(At 13 years old, Lily has to be reminded every morning to wake up for
school, as if it's something new.)

Blair and Lily's focus will be packing their lunch while mom makes

From the start, they've been taught no sugar. It's a no-brainer for them.
They've never had an addiction to it, so it's not a big deal. In fact,
they never even had it in the womb. Mom was vigilant about avoiding

That meant saying no to the glucose tolerance test.

A glucose tolerance test is often pushed on expecting moms. It’s
designed to measure their ability to process sugar.

Mom drinks a heavy dose of sickening sweet liquid. Then, their blood sugar
is monitored. If their levels can’t be held in check by insulin and the cells it
activates to chomp up sugar, then gestational diabetes might be the cause.

This form of diabetes simply means that mom’s blood sugar is not being
regulated properly by her hormones. As an outcome, mom and baby can put on
excess fat. This may or may not lead to problems during gestation and
birth such as having a larger baby than normal, thereby complicating the
birthing process.

But the test itself is ridiculous. The process forces the body to
release massive amounts of insulin (remember, a fat storing hormones),
among baby too, depending on the trimester. This rush of insulin can cause
the sugar eliminating cells of the body to become desensitized, leaving
sugar to float aimlessly in the blood. If mom already has gestational
diabetes, then the sweet concoction will of course only make it worse.
It’s as stupid as giving a problem drinker multiple shots of whiskey to
test his tolerance in order to label him an alcoholic.

A better way to measure the risk of gestational diabetes is to simply
look at fasting blood sugar levels, glucose in the urine and body fat
percentage. If any single one is too high, then it might be a sign of
gestational diabetes.

A disease of too much sugar and insulin, moms can simply cut all
processed sugar and artificial flavors while supplementing
with as outlined in my book, Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures Expanded.

Additionally, 3 days of exercise per week (Google Chemist’s 18 Minute
Workout) is going to be incredibly beneficial.

Pregnant women on the verge of diabetes can see their blood sugar
normalize in a matter of weeks. No need for prescription insulin or anything
else a myopic drug happy doctor might prescribe.

...There's Skyler now, calling for mom! Now I gotta start waking up Lily.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Ever wonder about prenatal vitamins? Ever wonder about thyroid
health after pregnancy? Ever wonder about avoiding and curing cancer
naturally? Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded is the bible for
total family health. Get it at or wherever
books are sold.