Subject: ~World's Safest, Strongest Antibiotic

Some stories are hard to tell. But those are the ones with the best lessons...I'll never stop telling this one.

Greeting her mom with her usual morning kisses, eight-year-old Jennifer insisted that her ear felt like it was "going to explode." Worried, her mom rushed her to the family doctor. Impatiently listening to the symptoms, he instantly prescribed an antibiotic for Jennifer's ear infection. Out the door they went.

Ten days after her prescription was filled, Jennifer asked, "Why are my eyes yellow, Mommy?" A few weeks later, Jennifer lost liver function and then her life to antibiotic use.

Rather than the usual morning kisses, Jennifer's mom wakes up to deadening silence every morning and a burning question: "Did my daughter even need that antibiotic?"

Probably not…I wasn't there, personally. But as a father of four and a medicinal chemist, I know for fact that antibiotics are the absolute last resort. Jennifer should have never been given that prescription.

My 3 year old son, Skyler, just got over his fourth ear infection. Aubrey just fought off a harsh cough. My older kids Blair and Lily have had the 12-hour flu, recently…But nobody suffers long periods of illness and nobody takes meds.  That's because we use a potent, all natural immune booster, Immune FX....

Natural ways of protecting ourselves from infection have been lost in today's prescribing frenzy. The advent of man-made antibiotics has given rise to a host of prescription drugs hailed as miracle cures. First came the sulfa drugs and then the beta-lactams, to which penicillin belongs.

Today, antibiotics are being prescribed for any discomfort imaginable, including the occasional sniffle, cough, or earache. In 1954, two million pounds of antibiotics were produced in the United States. That production now exceeds 50 million pounds!

It's ludicrous! And people are dying as a result...yawn, most
people just turn the other way or are too complacent to take action.

Im not alone in saying that antibiotics are overused and killing people.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that more than 30 percent of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, which equates to more than 50 million overdoses. And like 8 yo Jennifer, many sufferers are wrongly prescribed antibiotics after diagnostic testing to confirm bacterial infection is bypassed. 

A grim reality has emerged: antibiotics aren't miracle cures. In fact quite the opposite, they put 142,000 people into the hospital each year. Those between the ages of fifteen and forty-five are most at risk. Kidney and liver failure—along with allergic reactions, intestinal discomfort, and psychological disturbances—are common outcomes.

Stop the insane prescribing by helping your body become it's own pharmacy.  A new report from the journal Nature highlights how this works. 

To date, MRSA is the deadliest infection - it's name being derived from its ability to fight off man-made antibiotics. Scientists have discovered that 30% of people are carriers. The other 70% fight it off naturally courtesy of an antibiotic made on their skin, thanks to a strong immune system! 

That natural antibiotic made by the body is called lugdunin. When isolated and exposed to MRSA, it was dead in 3 days - where all other pharmaceuticals failed!

Here we see the incredible ability of our immune system to fend off infection…but to do so it needs to be fueled just like any other biological system or organ! 

That's where Immune FX shines (  
It's not the toxic vitamin D or synthetic ascorbic acid disguised as vitamin C that's being sold to the masses for immunity. Immune FX is the real thing and in 25 years as a chemist, Immune FX has proven to be -by far - one of the most miraculous cures nature has bestowed upon us.

The active ingredient on Immune FX is andrographis.  The clinical trials are astounding, to say the least.

Andrographis was first known for its success in treating snakebites and overcoming malaria and dysentery. It's considered to be especially effective in clearing heat from the body and blood and is commonly used in treating heart conditions that include infection in the lungs, urinary tract, and throat—think strep throat.

Within the halls of Big Pharma, modern research has proven andrographis to be beneficial at removing blood clots, stopping the spread of multiple types of cancer, and increasing the number of immune-enhancing white blood cells. 

The Journal of Ethnopharmacology recently showed andrographis to be more effective than well-known astragalus and echinacea for warding off the flu. When used to fight off respiratory tract infections and acute diarrhea, andrographis has been shown to be effective 75 percent of the time. Its direct antibiotic activity was shown to be effective at beating whooping cough and fever-inducing legionellosis, which produces pneumonia. 

Take your pic...Antibiotics or your immune system?  What would you chance your life with?

Start using it today for the whole family at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Want more natural heath gems? get my book at - An Amazon bestseller and hated by a lot of doctors…I have the hate mail to prove it.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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