Subject: World's Greatest Immune Booster! Nothing Even Comes Close.


My Give-o-F#ck Meter pretty much rests at zero. Unless of course
I have an electrical failure while flying the hectic
airspace of Los Angeles, which means I have no communications,
navigation, or lights - just a crisp paper map that's folded into
into a pretzel and opens up to the size of a small satellite dish.

But other than that, not much gets me riled up.

Not even the ridiculous suggestion by doctors to take Vitamin D
to boost immunity...after all, it's pretty absurd to think that taking
a synthetic hormone, made in a lab, is going to yield health benefits.
You can't argue with absurdity.

Did the entire medical community miss the lesson on hormones vs

Sure, most of you got scammed into taking "vitamin D." But most of you
don't read books, so you're an easy target for pharmaceutical gain. Kaching.

My meter doesn't register for you...unless you're an infant being poisoned
with "vitamin D" drops."

The synthetic hormones you're buying as "vitamins" are accumulating in
your body and in time will calcify you to death. It's well documented
in my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

I hear of real life stories all the time.

"Dear Shane, thanks for your email on vitamin D risks. I'm a heart attack
victim who was told to take vitamin D. Four years later, I was on the table
for heart failure. My new doctor said 'STOP taking the vitamin D due to
calcification straining my heart."

This guy made it. Not many will.

For the others who do read, you're well informed and you didnt get scammed.

You let your body make the real vitamin D via sunshine. And during the
winter, you didnt start running around like a Chicken Little crying out for more
vitamin D.

You took andrographis.

Andrographis is the world's most phenomenal immune booster.
In kid talk (I have 4), it's really, really, really good for you. In fact,
it's like swallowing magic because it's non-toxic, works on everything
bad in your body and science doesn't really know why yet.

(I put that in for the people who don't read books often. This language
is much easier for them to understand. Plus, it's all true.)

As a chemist who learned how to compound and extract whole
herb concoctions in the lab, I made Immune FX (
to deliver the most potent form of andrographis.

It stifles allergies and illness in days. Flu, strep, you name it....the common

The emails from fans of Immune FX are always flooding in.

"I have taken something for almost 45 yrs for allergies which affect me
year round. I tried Immune FX instead. I asked at one point if I could taken
one of these every day for my allergies and was told I could, and that I could
take 2 a day if one was not enough. It worked like a charm."

That was yesterday. This was today:

"I am 72. I take the Cardio FX, Joint FX, Daily Dose and before Thanksgiving
I took Immune FX. Thank you, I was able to make dinner at a friend's house
with the sinus infection almost gone. Powerful!"

Want to boost your immunity the way nature intended?

Stock up now at

When you lose your electricity in flight, you go to plan B. Simply find your
current location on that giant map, look for the nearest airport and fly there. Avoid
traffic. Then circle above the landing pattern until the tower signals you
with a light gun that it's safe to land...Oh yea and tell your wife and kids
it's going to be fine, with a straight face, and that you have to cut the trip

Unfortunately, if you take the wrong pill - uh hum...vitamin D - there's no
plan B. Toxicity is toxicity. You don't have much control of the yoke once
your insides are bound up by calcium.

Fly safe!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Winter orders are piling up for Immune FX. While supplies last,
get 3 and save 15% off at