Subject: ~Words for Wimps LOL

The People's Chemist
"You're Too Old!"
(Words from Wimps)
From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Former pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
- Doesn't care what you think LOL (just sayin')


Back at it!

Tomorrow, I'm headed into the lab to juggle numbers...Quality Control (QC) numbers!

Numbers aren't my favorite thing to "be juggling."

And quality control is a slow and tedious process.

It's been my specialty for 25 years!!!!!!!!

Every ingredient that comes from The People's Chemist gets tested for:

- Insecticides
- Herbicides
- Heavy metals
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- And the medicinally active ingredients!

There isn't a single company in the world that does this.

Not to trouble you too much into reading, but read that again.

As The People's Chemist, I pride myself on purity because I know you depend on it to live young!

Take Thom Ortiz as an example!

He used my ultra-potent hawthorn to free himself of
blood pressure meds and to compete in MMA at 51 years old!


No good deed goes unpunished, though.

A lot of people started telling him, "you're too old."

When I started The People’s Chemist over 18 years ago, my main goal was to provide the purest botanical medicines in the world. the Thom's in the world could continue to live active, fulfilled lives!

To do that, I had to apply everything I learned as a medicinal chemist for Big Pharma, especially in the area of Quality Control (QC)!

Every chemist obsesses over purity.

Want the best curcumin, hawthorn, true cinnamon and milk thistle?

Well, you better be getting your sh#t from a good chemist!

Unfortunately 95% of people are not getting good sh#t.

Therefore, I wanted to equip people with the knowledge needed to live young without meds and tainted supplements! 

So, I devised the best QC methods in the
world...methods that would guarantee people like Thom a damn good chance at beating Big Pharma at their own game!

That means teaching people how to find pure products that don’t contain:

Toxic fillers
Flow agents
Synthetic vitamins!

It’s all good at

…we are so good in fact that we are running very low on hawthorn-rich Cardio FX and Serotonin FX (the most amazing sleep pill you will ever
try!). So stock up at

Once I'm done with QC, I'll be able to restock!

But until then, you may need to stock up at before
I run out...

(I will ship for FREE anywhere in the USA for all orders over $89!)

Time to ditch the meds!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. No medication interactions with my botanicals! Start preserving your heart, controlling your blood pressure and busting unruly blood clots
naturally with

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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