Subject: Women Who Read These are Thinner, Study Finds!


In my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I taught that
you must be aware of GROCERY STORE FAT TRAPS (GSFT).

A GSFT is something labeled as healthy, but in reality, will
cause your body to gain weight.

Do you read labels?

Do you know what a GSFT is?

Better get Over-The-Counter Natural Cures to learn more!

The study found that "women who checked nutritional labels weighed
what amounted to nearly 9 pounds less than those who didn't."

People are becoming more aware...Rather than
blindly accept labels and medical dogma.

It's very powerful...Especially when applied to other health concerns
like cancer. Read this shocking testimonial posted by a reader on my
Facebook page.

"Three months ago I got a CA-125 test for ovarian cancer from my doctor,
that came back with high numbers. My number was 26, which was 5 points
above the recommended 21 (for this particular lab). My doctor wanted me
to have an ultrasound ($300 - $1,000), and depending on what it showed,
start down the road of expense and medical procedures. I told my doctor
‘NO’ and read the chapter on cancer in ‘Over the Counter Natural Cures’
instead. I then started on an aggressive dose of the herb mentioned in
the book, and after three months, and at a cost of about $28, I went for a
re-test. My results were NORMAL. When I asked for the actual number, it
was 18! I kicked cancer in the butt the easy and affordable way. Taking
this herb, and doing some other things recommended in Shane’s book,
has also helped me to lose 21 lb, and I feel 17 years younger."

Become more aware now by investing about $10 and buying the book here:

If you already have it, buy a few copies for friends and family! Surely they are
worth 10 bucks!?

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist