Subject: ~Woman REFUSES Wheelchair and Prescriptions!

Woman Flat Out REFUSES to Spend Life in a Wheel Chair!
"Diagnosis" is the now the art of turning a patient into a cash cow in about 5 minutes.  Even sooner if they're a "good" doctor.

It works like this: 

A doctor ask about a patient's symptoms, never questions anything about lifestyle, diet or previous medications, then prescribes a drug based on one or two familiar symptoms outlined in his “How to hook the world on drugs” book.

Bam – patient is morphed into a cash cow. 

Like a poorly fitted suit, the "diagnosis" usually becomes part of the patients identity. The average moron will brag about their meds over coffee, at the gym and even email old friends about their new drug...unless you have a brain and can think for yourself.

The Myth of Chronic Disease

A fan of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures refused to let this happen to her, even after her doctor told her she may be in a wheelchair for life!

“For many years, my body was going downhill with constant coughing and inability to breathe or walk any distance," says Caroline, a retired mental health/child therapist from Florida.

"In 2001 I was given a diagnosis of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) with the prediction that I would soon be facing life in a wheelchair. I was told the condition was chronic and there was nothing that could be done to reverse or cure this condition."

At this point, since most people are wimps, the average patient caves in and accepts their life sentence.

Let's face it, willful ignorance is primary fuel behind Big Pharma’s massive deceit.  Today, people practically beg to be drugged.

That's insanity.  And fortunately, Caroline isn't insane.

"As soon as the doctor told me there was nothing the medical profession could do for COPD – and that it would quickly advance to emphysema with me being in a wheelchair – I never went back to another doctor," she says.

"I began a natural cure search. I had already been taking supplements (probably wrong ones) for many years. And then I miraculously found Shane and his life-changing book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. It educated me about all the wrong synthetic supplements I had been taking and what I needed to be taking instead."

No More Problems Walking or Breathing!

Now armed with knowledge to acquit her from a bogus life sentence, Caroline went on a rampage for health with The People’s Chemist.

I asked her which one gave her the biggest results.

"Hard to point to any one thing that has helped me because I've had a complete life change," she says. I am taking most of Shane's supplements – Immune FX, Relief FX, Whey Advanced, Daily Dose, Cinnergy, Cardio FX..."

"One of my favorite indulgences is your Whey Advanced product with a handful of strawberries and 8 ice cubes in Vita Mix. Becomes a wonderful drink and I know I am getting the correct Whey product."

In addition to building herself a healthier, younger body, Caroline no longer has problems walking or breathing!

"Now I can walk without thinking about it, which for several years I could not do because I would be gasping for breath. No more waking up in the middle of the night needing to sit up because of heart pain/breathing problems. I've had a major turnaround in my ability to function normally without having to sit down every 15-20 minutes during normal activities."

Break Free from the Lies and Propaganda! A Diagnosis Does NOT Equal a Life Sentence!

My natural medicine is designed to give your body exactly what it needs to heal itself and live young.

Each TPC product has a positive ripple effect. In Caroline's case, each one added something powerful to her body's innate ability to fight back against disease.

Remember, it's a complete LIE that disease can never be reversed or cured. If you believe this then you are opting to live with willful ignorance.

When you smarten up, you smash Big Pharma’s power to bits, while putting yourself in charge of your own future.

Why The People's Chemist Inspires Trust

Refusing to be confined to a wheel chair, Caroline is now living young thanks to knowledge she gleaned from The People's Chemist.

"I have definitely noticed decrease in coughing symptoms and breathing challenges with COPD," she says. "I'm in my late 60s, but you wouldn't guess it by seeing me because I have turned my health struggles around and look much younger and healthier than a lot of others my age. Anyone who met me now would never notice that I am dealing with COPD/Emphysema."

"People say they can't believe my age and how healthy I am compared to a few years ago."

Caroline adds: "I trust Shane because he's a trained chemist who had previously worked for pharmaceutical companies making their drugs before he educated himself on the harm of the synthetic and chemical-laden, symptom-masking drugs he was making."

"Not only does he make natural supplements, but takes them and gives them to his wife and children. That's impressive. I have no problem with him selling supplements. Where else can I go to find an educated person who has worked on both sides of the industry and is willing to share and help the rest of us?"

If you're on a quest to feeling and looking better, Cardio FX is a great place to start – it increases your body's ability to circulate vital nutrients and protects the heart from all possible forms of "cardiovascular assault."

You can literally breathe easier with it and sleep better at night knowing you are preserving your health rather than sabotaging it with drugs.

Don't procrastinate on taking control of your own destiny. Stock up on Cardio FX today (order 3 and save $24.75!)
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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