Subject: ~Wife Shocks Family Doctor with $35 Diabetes Cure (ALL TRUE)


Quick lesson here...


Ever heard of it?

Most people think it’s an anti-diabetic drug.

Most people think it lowers blood sugar.

Most people are stupid.

And then there are those who are swindled by Big Pharma and it’s foot
soldier doctors who prescribe Metformin by the truckload for
obesity, pre-diabetes, and even cancer!

It’s not only worthless, it’s also dangerous.

“My 76-year-old father-in-law has been taking Metformin for 5 or 6
years,” writes Wendy. “The last few months, when testing his blood
sugar in the morning after getting out of bed but before eating, he began
to see readings ranging from 300-450. The doctor doubled the dose of
Metformin. After weeks, it still didn't work. He saw 380 even when eating
just chicken and salad!”

See how that works?

A drug fails…so doctors pile on MORE!

At what point does a doctors education kick in?

CBC News warned the public, "A study on metformin, also sold as
Glucophage and Novo-Metformin, says nearly one in four patients
could experience dangerous side effects."

One in four has side effects from normal dosing, yet when the drug fails,
doctors prescribe MORE!? How much does med school cost?

This just reflects the insane free-for-all that doctors are engaging in
overprescribing drugs, while putting patients’ health at risk.

Even if an anti-diabetic drug DOES lower someone’s blood sugar, it’s
only because the liver is being damaged - shut down.

Commonly used medications like Actos (pioglitazone), Glucophage (metformin)
or Avandia (rosiglitazone) might lower blood sugar levels by 15-20%, but
this doesn’t translate into better health — because it’s simply the
result of poisoning the liver. Clinical trials have been showing this for
decades as shown in my book Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

In this case…Wendy took charge of her families health.

“I told my father-in-law to buy a new meter, and at the same time I
ordered a bottle of Cinnergy,” she says. “The Cinnergy
( was delivered July 19th. He called and asked me
how to take it. I told him to take 2 capsules that evening, then take 2 every
morning about 30 minutes before he ate breakfast. He was to keep me
posted on his readings.”

“Today he played golf with his son (my husband), and sent a note home for

This is what was written in the note:

Aug 18 – 348
Aug 19 - 353
Aug 20 – 325
Aug 21 – 122
Aug 22 – 118
Aug 23 – 133
Aug 24 - 154
Aug 25 – 104
Aug 26 – 116
Aug 27 – 150
Aug 28 – 131

“You know what those numbers are. Those are dates and morning blood
sugar readings.”


As you can see from Wendy’s email — her father-in-law’s blood sugar
DROPPED as the days went on while taking Cinnergy.

Let me translate: He ditched the meds. He got better.

That’s how the game is played and won.

Cinnergy is chock full of medicinal cinnamon AND milk thistle. Both
organic, both safe, both effective. Together, these two powerhouse
nutrients serve as the ultimate natural cure for high blood sugar.
That’s because they RENEW muscle cells by forcing them to utilize blood
sugar for energy.

Without Cinnergy, sugar floats in the blood with nowhere to go. In time,
that sugar throws hormones out of whack, causes Type 2 diabetes and leads
to cancer, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s disease.

But not when you take Cinnergy! Once cells are producing more energy from
the excess sugar, they begin to produce anti-diabetic, anti-aging and
anti-obesity hormones! The body and liver are rejuvenated, not destroyed.

Get these same results at

And if you want to know more on WHY and how cinnamon is so effective at
stomping out type II diabetes, read my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures:
Expanded Edition. It has entire chapter that reveals how to defy obesity
and diabetes fast, without drugs, in 30 days!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Another TPC fan wrote: “I just wanted to let you know. My mother and
myself are both diabetics and we have tried a couple of your products. The
Cinnergy we found worked well. It lowered our high blood sugars in some
cases a 100 points in one hour! I thought that was very impressive.”

P.P.S. If you have high blood sugar, don’t resort to liver-destroying
drugs! Try Cinnergy instead. Then let me know how fast your blood sugar
plummets. Get it at