Subject: ~Wife Lowered His BP With This...And He Ditched The Meds.

The People's Chemist
"My husband developed high blood pressure for which no tests could find a reason. Of course, the doctor wanted to put him on BP meds. I've always had an aversion to taking meds for anything. I just knew prescription meds were not good for people except under certain circumstances. They shouldn't be handed out as if they were benign."

Too many people have been sharing Maria's exact same story...different doctor, same line of crap.

[Hawthorn-rich Cardio FX is the all natural BP cure that has doctors switching from meds to botanicals!  Learn more at]

Wife Said No to Meds…

As we age, blood pressure can start creeping up, like it did for Maria's husband.

If blood pressure gets TOO high (a condition known as "hypertension"), it can lead to blocked arteries, blood clots, and a higher risk for heart attack or stroke.

However, what most people don't realize is that small increases in blood pressure are a completely normal part of the aging process.

In fact, rising blood pressure helps your body distribute oxygen and nutrients more efficiently as you age.

Capitalizing on this basic lack of knowledge, doctors are quick to scare patients into believing high blood pressure is an instant death sentence. It's not.

But once they're in the grips of fear, most people allow themselves to be hooked on blood pressure-lowering drugs for life.  Not Maria.

"I found The People's Chemist online around the time when we had just changed the way we were eating to mostly high, healthy fat," she says. "My mom's health had recently started to decline rapidly. She started having strokes and dementia. I wanted to change our eating habits so the same thing didn't happen to us. We are pretty blessed with good health and I wanted to keep it that way."

"I read Shane's book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures and it all made sense. I tend to go with my gut as to what makes sense and not with the current fads. We were never ones to take a lot of prescription or OTC drugs," she writes.

"Honestly, Shane is a bit too in 'your face' and uses the F-word way too much for me," she says. "We would probably never be friends. However, I respect the work he does, the products he makes, and the fact that I can trust he's a straight shooter."

The #1 Secret Ingredient for Protecting Your Heart

As mentioned in my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, hawthorn is nature's forgotten cardiovascular cure.

Hawthorn controls blood pressure, strengthens the heart, and even busts through blood clots.

But you won't see it advertised or sold by doctors or prescription drug companies…it works too damn well. (Pharma's business model is to sell you pills so that don't work, so that you have to keep taking them forever. Stupid!)

At 56, Maria knew her husband (age 61) was better off taking natural hawthorn instead of risky blood pressure meds.

"My husband started taking hawthorn," she says. "Later I saw that Shane sold his own product with hawthorn, CardioFX…We both started taking it because I knew it was good for us. As a result of taking Cardio FX, my husband's blood pressure went way down. In fact, I was concerned at one point that it had gone down too much, but Shane assured me that wasn't so."

Imagine a Life Free of Prescription Drugs

My Cardio FX supplement contains the most potent form of hawthorn available. Designed to free you from blood pressure meds forever, Cardio FX supercharges your heart in every way possible.

Now instead of worrying about her husband's high blood pressure, Maria is free to focus on the things she enjoys most.

"I help people build online businesses. Love to travel," she says.

"My husband and I continued to take Shane's other products as well. My blood pressure and cholesterol are perfect, and I never have joint pain, thanks to Joint FX. I always have Immune FX and Relief FX on hand and as soon as I think I may be getting sick (which isn't very often) I take Immune FX and don't end up getting sick. I notice if I run out of Joint FX, after several days, my shoulders start to to bother me."

"I love that Shane makes his products in small batches in order to have control over quality," she says. This may be frustrating for some people, because items are sometimes out of stock, but I make sure I always have extra on hand so I don't run out. I appreciate that he uses only the best and natural ingredients and doesn't compromise."

Remember, High Blood Pressure Doesn't Have to Be an Instant "Death Sentence"

You've got better things to do in life than worry about high blood pressure and risky medications.

You can safely lower your blood pressure with Cardio FX.

If you don't want to use Cardio FX, then find a good high-quality source of hawthorn and you'll give your heart the same protection.

Take 8 minutes to learn more at

And better yet, Cardio FX will not interfere or interact with ANY prescription meds, whatsoever!

Take 8 minutes to learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S.  Cardio FX is the most potent form of hawthorn sold anywhere!  Using my background as a pharmaceutical chemist, Cardio FX delivers whole herb hawthorn that is 3 to 5 times more potent than anything sold in stores...and since it doesn't sit on a shelf, Cardio FX has ZERO preservatives!  Protect yourself with 
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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