Subject: ~Why Thyroid Meds Don't Work (And why you should ditch them!)

If you've ever asked your doctor for help with weight loss, you've probably
heard the neatly packaged sales pitch citing an "underactive thyroid

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck.

Doctors call an underactive thyroid "hypothyroidism." They say the
condition is due to a deficiency of the calorie-burning hormones T3 and T4.

With the excitement of a child selling lemonade on a hot day, the doctor
follows with a sales ploy to get you hooked on thyroid meds for life.

But beware! Thyroid meds don't work…and they age you prematurely.

(See to address the root cause of your
excess fat.)

Here's the ugly truth:

The thyroid, along with its hormones, is only ONE small component of a
properly working metabolism. In fact, it's so small that even if you didn't
have one, you could still have a slim body by compensating with many other
metabolic factors.

Women in particular seem to be smitten by doctors' vain promises of how
thyroid meds can incinerate fat…but this is a load of BS.

Synthroid (levothyroxin) was the first thyroid medication. It's designed to
model the thyroid hormone T4. Hormone expert and chief of endocrinology for
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School highlighted its uselessness when he stated
that "Synthroid has long been discounted as a remedy for weight loss, but
it is still being used improperly by probably millions of Americans."

Its competitor, Armour Thyroid, has been called bioidentical. Like
Synthroid, it fails to increase lean body mass. The main reason for its
failure? It's not bioidentical. It comes from pigs.

A pig's balance of thyroid hormones is 80 percent T4 and 20 percent T3. The
human thyroid, however, produces roughly 95 percent T4 and 5 percent T3.

Additionally, pig hormones don't match our binding sites, which are simply
the switches regulated by hormones. But that's not all. The atoms that make
up the pig's T4 and T3 hormones differ in weight from our own chemical

Is it any surprise that swine hormones aren't helping people lose weight?
(Just look at America's rising obesity problem! This shit's not fucking

These three distinctions — hormone balance, improper match of hormone
binding sites, and differential atomic weights — have officially become a
part of college chemistry textbooks. They also show why neither medication
helps hypothyroidism. The counterfeits displace our natural hormone
activity and do not fix the underlying cause of hormone imbalance.

Just like the wrong key can jam a lock, thyroid meds sever our biological
ties to our own, unique thyroid hormone output, sensitivity, and balance.

With our "real" hormones blocked, our bodies are primed for obesity,
premature aging, and illness.

This outcome was highlighted in the Journal of the American Medical
Association. As thyroid meds throw our hormone balance out of whack, they
cause calcium depletion and bone weakening, diarrhea, irritability,
headache, hand tremors, leg cramps, insomnia, vomiting, nervousness,
decreased bone density, heart palpitation, changes in menstrual periods,
and even seizures.

These horrific side effects are so common that their presence prevented
Synthroid from obtaining FDA approval for forty-six years. The drug was
still widely prescribed (illegally), earning millions for its maker, Abbott

Synthroid was eventually given rubber-stamp approval, despite the fact that
not a single clinical trial could prove its safety and efficacy!

…So get off the damn thyroid meds! Or better yet, give your doctor the
middle finger and "just say no" to thyroid meds.

If you're looking to lose weight, don't risk your health on risky thyroid
meds…and don't fall for the ploy of "hypothyroidism."

Instead, you need to address the ROOT CAUSE of your obesity — what you
put into your mouth.

I designed for people who want to achieve
their best physique in 90 days or less. It shows you how to eat in a way
that forces your hormones to work correctly…while
burning fat and losing inches off your waist.

Following this 30 day program requires you to change your lifestyle and
eating habits if you want real, lasting results. (If you're not willing to do this, then
don't buy it.)

Otherwise, if you're ready to demolish fat WITHOUT compromising your health
— get started with

Follow the simple steps and watch as your body gets transformed!

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Doctors swoon women by claiming that thyroid meds can "reverse
hypothyroidism," shrink your ass, make your husband's jokes funnier, cause
your neighbors to be incredibly jealous of you, or whatever else the
pharmaceutical marketing whizzes can dream up. But it's all a fairy tale.
If thyroids meds worked, then why the fuck are women just getting fatter?

To burn fat, you need to address the root cause of your obesity.

Use for a simple protocol on how to lose the fat for
good. (Optional: give your doctor the middle finger and "just say no" to
thyroid meds!)