Subject: ~Why Soylent Makes You Sick

Soylent is making people sick.

It’s all over the news…

I warned about Soylent 3 years ago. It’s chock full of synthetic (i.e.,
FAKE) vitamins…which any TPC fan knows is a recipe for heart
failure and cancer, in time.

Looking for a “time-saving meal hack,” many Silicon Valley coders,
dorks and techies were all over Soylent… What they got was a slew of
gastrointestinal problems like vomiting and diarrhea.

…the body was trying purge itself.

“…this summer, as the company was riding a wave of positive publicity
into its third year, reports of illness started to surface. Customers
complained of nausea and other stomach issues after eating newer
formulations of its products,” says a Bloomberg article.

One Soylent user even sent the company an email stating: “A Soylent Bar
gave me my first ambulance ride last week.”

Steep price to pay for chomping down a Soylent…

How much time does a person save by eating crap meal replacements
and getting whisked off in an ambulance?

Today, “health food” is becoming the most dangerous food.

Rosa Foods Inc., the maker of Soylent, has recalled its powder mix and
protein bars.

However, instead of taking responsibility for the fact that their product
is loaded with artificial crap — they tried to blame the problem on

Would someone please push these Silicon Valley wanna-be's into an
alligator-infested pond, please?

“The Los Angeles food-tech startup thinks the problem has to do with
plants that grow on the ocean floor. The company believes an algae-based
ingredient unique to the two new products was to blame for the illnesses
and plans to remove it from future versions.”

Guess what? It’s not the fucking algae making people sick.

It’s the lab derived chemicals (i.e., fake vitamins) at fault. When you
load your body up with garbage, it’s naturally going to protest!

Long term, the synthetic chemicals masquerading as vitamins lead to heart
failure and cancer.

For example “folic acid” is fake (trying to imitate the naturally
occurring folate). “Vitamin D2 and D3” are toxic counterfeits (trying
to imitate the REAL Vitamin D, which comes from the sun and cod liver oil).
There’s even fake iron that bioaccumulates in the body and disrupts
dozens of bodily functions…the only way to get that shit out is to bleed it out!

“Startups pitching themselves as fusions of food and technology have been
gobbling up cash from Silicon Valley’s top venture capitalists,” says

“…Soylent prides itself on rapid product development—an ideal
popularized by Google and Facebook Inc., and one that endears the startup
to techies around the world.”

“Rapid product development” is usually done at the expense of health
and safety.

Soylent is just the latest scam for investors to make money.

Just eat real food.

…I refuse to eat anything served from a box, package or window.

One of my favorite on-the-go meals is soft boiled eggs, blueberries,
almonds, and an avocado. If I need an early morning breakfast
shake, I blend raw milk with Whey Advanced, raw eggs and blueberries…
If I’m trying to pack on muscle, I’ll add liver and a banana to it. Both
versions taste fantastic.

As for my multi-vitamin, I take Daily Dose, loaded with nature’s ultimate
anti-inflammatory and cancer buster, curcumin. It also has
memory-enhancing boswellic acids…but best of all, it has NOTHING

Watch the 1-minute video at

Taking Daily Dose removes any doubt that my body is being harmed by
synthetic vitamins common to all other brands! It also ensures that my
immune system and brain are functioning at their highest level…and also
protecting my cardiovascular system thanks to cayenne.

Learn all about it at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Soylent protein powder and bars are chock full of synthetic (fake)
vitamins. Not surprisingly, many Soylent users have reported vomiting,
diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems. The maker of Soylent
recalled their product and is trying to get a new version back into the
market as quickly as possible. But you can one-up them by refusing to
pummel your body with fake vitamins (like Soylent)!

Get the facts about fake vitamins here: And to protect
your health, throw your fake vitamins into the trash…