Subject: ~Why Obama Keeping Troops in Afghanistan


I don't watch the news.

Unfortunately, it plays at the gym when I'm crushing The 18-Minute
Workout. And it never fails to infuriate me. Mainly, because I can't
believe people believe it and voluntarily watch it.

The recent headlines were that Obama was keeping troops in Afghanistan
through 2017. Citing terrorists as the primary reason for prolonging the war,
he was even positioned as “supporting the troops”…

Terrorism and supporting our troops? Really?

These stupid simple cliches are all that's needed to keep the American
people hypnotized?

It's not terrorism and troop supporting that requires war in Afghanistan.

It's opium for Big Pharma.

Since the war started, Democracy Now reports, “In the 13 years since the
United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, the country’s opium production
has doubled, now accounting for about 90 percent of the world’s

The Washington Post reported that opium production is now at an all time
high thanks to Obama occupying Afghanistan.

Pulling the strings of US Government, Big Pharma uses the poppy/opium
as raw material for their painkilling extravaganza. That's right, they use opium
to make oxycontin, oxycodone and codeine.

And they now have a bigger market to supply these drug too! KIDS!

And they’ve gotten a green light from the FDA!

Recently the FDA approved the use of oxycontin (a narcotic pain reliever
and opiate derived from opium) for KIDS.

Whew! Better keep those troops protecting those opium fields!

One week headlines read: Oxycontin for Kids Says FDA

The next week they read: Troops stay in Afghanistan

Anyone awake?

Today, Afghanistan the world’s greatest illicit opium
producer, pumping out billions of dollars worth of exports for Big Pharma.

If you didnt know…oxycontin is the worst drug ever approved for man…In
fact, it makes opium look like coffee - a natural cousin that has far less
addictive properties and few side effects in comparison!

But yea, lets give oxycontin to our kids. Forget that these prescription
painkillers are killing more people than heroin and cocaine combined...

This is simply more evidence that the FDA has strayed far away from its
original intended purpose, which is to PROTECT the American people from
dangerous food and drugs.

But does anyone care?

Nope…everyone wants to focus on terrorists and use that as an excuse to
stay in Afghanistan.

Prolonging an expensive, wasteful 14-year war just to control drug supply?

There’s no limit to how far Big Pharma and the FDA will go to hook your
kids on drugs.

Oxycontin approval for kids is just the latest tactic to ensure that our kids
remain One Nation Under Drugs, courtesy of a government organization
that can’t be bothered to do its job.

Way to go, America.

There's a safer, natural way to relieve pain and it’s called Relief FX [ ] Unlike oxycontin, it won’t lead to addiction for
those who use it! Safe for kids and strong enough for professional

Try Relief FX and watch as pain vanishes within 16 minutes:

Best of all, I don’t have to invade any countries to get the ingredients
to make it.

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Remember to bulletproof your body against the threat of cancer by
using my safe, natural multivitamin Daily Dose at .
Unlike most store-bought multivitamins, it won’t poison your body…it
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