Subject: ~Why I have the BEST Customer Service!


Orders are flying out at warp speed.

I'm restocking products faster than a baby boomer can send an
email to complain about my "choice of words."

And my customer service is firing customers left and right.

It happens with the push of the delete button.

Also, I block the IP address of the pain-in-the-a$$ customer.

This ensures that they can never order anything from me again at

Hell, I just fired a customer in the time I wrote this email!

"I received my Essential Greens in the mail. You're a liar. It doesn't
taste great."

I don't have time for wise-a$$es...

TPC Essential Greens ( is the heaviest dose of the most nutrient rich vegetables on the planet. In fact, it contains every compound ever
discovered to fight cancer, help your skin glow, and boost energy.

Does it taste great?

Yes! Considering that it's a bucket of vegetables, it's the next best
thing since the f@#cking delete button.

Does it taste like tira-fuck#n-misu?


Said customer is gone, forever. His money is no good here.

And that my friends and family is why I offer the best customer service
in the industry! Because when I fire jacka$$es, I have more time to
be The People's Chemist.

So, if you're lucky enough to have a chance to get TPC Essential Greens.
You better stock up! And if you want it to taste even better, take it
with Whey Advanced. (

Both ensure "cellular turnover!"

In a normal, healthy body, 30 trillion cells live in a complex, interdependent
relationship, regulating each other’s replacement. It’s an extremely orchestrated collaboration that causes our body to build anew every few years!

You can think of cellular turnover as the invisible force that guides the body’s
ability to heal. Without it, we’re operating on injured, decayed, aging cells.

This explains why people have “nagging” injuries — they’re not fully healing.

This is not newfangled science. Forensic scientists use this phenomenon
daily to measure the time of death at a crime scene. It’s simply a matter
of looking at how long cells have ceased turnover to identify when a murder

Due to the onslaught of prescription medications, artificial flavors,
steroids, junk sports supplements (glutamine, vitamin D, folic acid,
Gatorade, and so many more), and sugar in the American diet, this innate
repair mechanism — cellular turnover — has been compromised!

Want to get your body and life back to be energized???

Get Essential Greens and Whey Advanced at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Exercise is mandatory for proper cell turnover, too! Get my 18 Minute Workout,
FREE! Simply search 18 Min Workout in your APP store!

++++++ Low Stock alert for Essential GREENS and Whey at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++