Subject: ~Why Going Hungry Won’t Cause Fat Loss

When people go on a diet, they tend to think that they need to go hungry to lose fat.

Not true.

Sure, they might lose "weight" but it's not fat!  It could be a loss of things like water weight, food, and/or glycogen. 

And eventually, all the weight comes back. 

The only way to permanently lose fat, preserve and/or grow muscle, feel great and increase your longevity is to master your hormones. I designed a program over 10 years ago that's been doing just that…and it's also cured diabetes, cancer, heart disease and curbed all the complications that come with carrying excessive weight, which are too many to list here...

The program is fail proof if you actually have the discipline to follow it…

It's the subject of my book, The Stop Eating So Fucking Much Diet and in it I show how Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) is the only way to master your hormones for not only controlling appetite but also the highly coveted, fat loss!

Like gravity, HIT is an unchanging force of nature that governs how much fat the human body stores. It's the invisible "force" that determines whether excess fat sticks to our bodies, or gets burned up as fuel.

And it's also the force behind controlling appetite, heart beat, liver function and so much more.

Athletes, moms, celebrities, UFC fighters, dads and even kids have used HIT to achieve their best body. And none of them have had to starve…Sure they might have to practice self-control and avoid sweets, but never have they undergone extreme hunger.

That's what's so great about HIT.

Plus, it's what causes HIT men and women to look good naked.

In my book, The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet, I reveal the six habits to becoming a HIT man or woman (see chapter 3).

Habit #1 of "Hormonal Intelligence Therapy" is "If it tastes sweet, spit it out."

That's where the discipline comes in handy…Not like a granite boulder of discipline, but just like a ounce of it here and there. 

Most people don't like this one, but it's mandatory. Nothing wrecks your hormones faster than eating sugar or gnawing on an apple (if you're obese).

Why? Because eating sweets CAUSES you to store fat and eat more throughout the day. In fact, the New York Times recently reported on this, showing how sweets cause you to crave more calorie-rich foods, compared to abstaining from them.

When consuming fructose (the sugar found in fruits, honey and corn syrup), volunteers experienced increased brain activity in the "reward" regions of the brain…which caused them to think about food, daydream about it, and eat more of it.


If it tastes sweet spit it out…Don't believe me?

Do it for 7 days and watch what happens. Pay close attention to the scale. And if you want to split hairs, watch your body fat % plummet. Then you KNOW you're losing fat, not just "weight."

Big Food companies know fructose and other sweets turns people into over-eating pigs.

They mainline this stuff into as many foods as possible, knowing it will cause the reward centers in your brain to light up like the 4th of July and make you want more….Next, they blast your children with repetitive, catchy junk food commercials, so that your kids beg you to buy those sweet foods at the grocery store.

Once you eat fructose…you're done.

Big Food leverages this science to swindle you into eating more of their crap, too…usually masquerading the food as "healthy."

Hell, Dr. Mark Hyman is now pushing sugar-laden protein bars to help sales of his new book.

In The New York Times, he had a circle jerk with Big Food and Big Media espousing the benefits of plant based diets but insists "emergency foods" like Kind Bars and several other sugary treats are good to have around...'cause unprocessed foods I guess are so damn hard to keep handy? 

Who is Mark Hyman? Just an industry slave who packages his message for Big Food, not "big people."  His message is dependent on the latest trend, not the latest science.

Now, you can continue to allow Big Food and the others to control your life with bullshit diet tips…meanwhile buying yourself "extra XXX large" clothes in the Fat Section.  Or you could take control of your own life by getting your hormones in check with 
The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet. 

If burning fat and keeping it off is your top priority, then read a damn book, already. The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet reveals everything you need to know about how to heal your messed up hormones.

You can follow, measure it, and prove to yourself that it works.

Invest a few bucks and get the book here, learn the 6 simple habits:

Dare to Live Young,

P.S. Each day, millions of Americans feed themselves the sweetener, high fructose corn syrup — an ingredient specifically designed to elicit MORE thoughts and cravings of food. As a result, Americans are fatter and sicker than ever before. If you're addicted to sugar and/or overeating, read The Stop Eating So F#@king Much Diet book, and you'll discover how easy it is to eat less. (Side effects include burning more fat, looking good naked, feeling happy, having more energy, and NOT being a gluttonous pig when you eat.)

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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