Subject: Whoops: The Right Guarantee

Imagine if I had a program that guaranteed to BUILD fat...That's what my last guarantee offered...I guess that would mean I was selling prescription drugs...It was a typo, not a real guarantee. 

I know, getting too many emails sucks...Sorry...I'll make it up to you
with the upcoming People's Chemist Reality TV.  Believe it.

The People's Chemist HIT Guarantee

My state-of-the-art, 90-Day Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) allows you to BURN fat while preserving and building muscle, day and night, seven days a week. You'll never be in the dark again about how to look and feel your best at any age!  You won't fear the bathing suit season.  And your spouse will look at you more desirably.  I guarantee that there is nothing else out there more effective!  I'm so sure of it that if you don't achieve these life changing results, I'll personally help you find something that does.

Read the fact sheet here: