Subject: ~When you're getting beat down...


This Saturday is Blair's State Wrestling Tournament. It marks the
end of his second year! Last year he rocked a losing streak. His
lesson was to learn "how to lose." (He rocked it because he didn't let it
define him.)

"Your mark of victory is how well you perform, not who wins or loses. If
you can go out there, all by yourself, and compete to the last second, using
ever last fiber of muscle you have, and still get up after every takedown...
always aiming to win, no matter the score or how tired you are, then you'll
learn something every time. And you'll get better every year, in life too."

He took the advice, won maybe 4 or 5 matches and lost 19 that year.

This season he has won about 20 and lost around 4. He even won his
division at Nationals. Damn good turnaround.

Today, as he is eating and bulking to be at the top of his weight class,
I'm reminding him what to do if he gets caught on bottom. First, never
think about what your opponent is going to do. All you need to focus
on is a series of three moves: Sit out, stand up, switch.

Repeat: Sit out, stand up, switch.

Forget the screaming parents. Forget the lights. Forget the coaches.

All you need to be thinking is sit out, stand up, switch.

Eventually, as your body follows the cadence of your you dig
deep and forget about the crushing pressure of your of those
moves will work. You'll be out and ready to attack.

When Blair is on his feet, he's almost unstoppable. Cat like, he's hard to
handle. But he has to get to his feet, first. And if he learned anything from
a losing season, its that repetition and mindset are everything.

It's a big weight class, lots of hungry kids and a big title, good luck on
Saturday, Blair!

Wrestling mimics life. You can learn something on the mat in one hour,
whereas in real life it might take a year.

Too many people are always focusing on what OTHER people are doing to
get their own shit together. Especially when it comes to dieting.

Overweight people listen up. If you're carrying more weight than you
should be, life's got you down.

I'm not judging anyone here. Some of my closest friends are overweight.
It's their own battle.

But if you personally want to win your fight, then you need to stop looking
at what everyone else is doing to lose weight because everyone else is
overweight too! That includes your doctor!

The way you fight back against obesity is with

I've sent out pictures of people who have lost over 150lbs with the program.

I've sent out pictures of people who cured themselves of diabetes with the

But the fact is, none of that matters if you're not willing to fight and
ignore what other people are trying to do!

Blair wins usually with 2-5 moves. That's it. It's his mindset that
brings home the big wins...He doesn't care what other people are
doing, he keeps grinding.

If you can change your mindset and be willing to ignore people then you can
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Meanwhile, we're off to practice.

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you are known not to stick with things and always ask your
doctor if said drug is right for you, don't even think about ordering
from me.

P.P.S. Low stock alert on Cardio FX (