Subject: ~When nothing else worked, this did!

Can't shut up about this one...Just got an email from a guy who
was probably taking one of the worst supplements on
the planet. It's called NoBetes and it's made out of Santa
Monica, CA - scammy capital of the world (all of Los Angeles is).

I should send NoBetes a shovel to dig their own grave...and why not?
Their product is killing their customers...

(My inbox is probably filling up with cease and desist orders now, LOL....)

As a chemist, I can tell you instantly what products are helpful and
what are harmful. Unfortunately, Scott can't do the same. But the
good news is, he learned how after he found The People's Chemist.

Here's his quick story.

If you care about putting natural medicine to work to improve sugar
levels, energy and longevity for as low as $10 per month, pay

Scott emailed me this morning to say, "I want to thank you for your
quality products and straightforward talk. I knew I had a diabetes problem
but didn't want to go to the doctor for help because I knew once I did that I
would be a slave to their meds."

"I was overweight and my sugar levels were out of control."

"I read about your product called Cinnergy and thought about trying it but
it seemed too simple so I had serious doubts that is would be able to help
me at this point. My morning sugars were running in the 300's and a few
times after eating pizza like a starved pig, I even tested in the 400's."

"About 8 months ago I heard about another product called NoBetes and
saw all the ingredients and thought to myself this had to work so I took it
religiously for about six months. It was ineffective in lowering my sugar
levels. I was still running in the 300's...."

"I was about to throw in the towel and go get on prescription meds but I
decided I would try Cinnergy first... So I ordered 1 bottle."

"During the first couple weeks I noticed my sugar levels beginning to drop.
They went from mid 300's to upper 200's so I decided to order 3 more bottles."

"Sometime during the 3rd month my sugar levels dropped to the mid to upper
100's I was getting excited... Then when I started running in the lower
hundreds about 125 on the average I decided to show my wife my glucose
readings from my old meter!"

"Last year at this time I was about 270 lbs now I am down to about 225 lbs
and starting to feel young again."

"I am 56 years and starting to feel like a new man. Yes I have changed my
diet and stopped eating so blanking much as you would say,but owe my
new sugar levels to your amazing product and will continue to be a fan."

Scott fell victim to the oldest vitamin trick in the book: Toss in everything
but the kitchen sink and make it look good with a myriad of ingredients.

This was a popular tactic in the 1990's. It has since faded, though, because
the more you put in, the less of a response you get due to the ultra-low
dose of each ingredient.

But that wasn't the worst part of NoBetes. This car-wreck of a pill
was loaded with 25 different SYNTHETIC ingredients, all of which are
HARMFUL not HELPFUL to Scott! Like most people on supplements,
he needed a DETOX after "taking his vitamins."

Cinnergy is the ONLY truly natural product that delivers milk thistle and
true cinnamon in the dose required for a positive, measurable result!

It works especially well for anyone with Type II diabetes or who is at risk
for getting it. Loaded with the proper dose of cinnamon and milk thistle,
it works on the surface of muscle cells to force them to take up sugar
from the blood!

Yes, it's that effective.

The muscle cells are the primary site of sugar metabolism. In time though,
the cells become numb to excess sugar. They simply stop functioning.
Cinnergy forces the muscles to spring back to life. It's a scientific fact
and you can see it in action, just like Scott, as your blood sugar levels
plummet to healthy, safe levels!

Stock up now at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. This is a friendly reminder that I am running low on
Cinnergy. Orders are delivered on a first come, first serve basis.
Stock up now at