Subject: When I was 19 years old...

When I was 19 years old, I was finishing up my freshman year of college.
Other than wrestling, everything was falling apart.

I had missed every class of Biology and Psychology. I was broke. And a
criminal record from numerous bouts of fighting made it hard to get a job.
Plus, I had the temperament of a pit bull on meth.

I didn't give a shit about Psychology. I let that one slide, only to
retake it 3 years later. It was there that I met my wife.


Sometimes, failing is winning.

Biology, on the other hand, needed some intervention. I looked up my
professor's name and his office hours.

Tight, white t-shirt, torn jeans, eating an apple, I greeted him enthusiastically
and introduced myself. He looked me up and sure enough, I saw that
I was in fact enrolled! LOL

After much back and forth, I convinced him to let me take the final and let
my grade be my semester average. He conceded.

I walked out at 5:30pm and went straight to the library. The test was the
following day at 8am.

That was the beginning of a great career in medicine. I can't help but
think that I owe that professor a thank you. From that point on, I never
stopped studying, which has led to one of my Crown Jewels, Cardio FX.

Cardio FX has helped control blood pressure for pilots, pregnant women
(my wife included), and even tens-of-thousands who have ditched their
BP meds. Loaded with hawthorn, magnesium, garlic and grape seed extract,
I designed it to strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, bust unruly
clots and increase oxygen and nutrient distribution!

I'm not the only one celebrating Cardio FX. I just got this from a current

"I started out by just adhering to a good diet. I began to work out at the
gym, too, with low impact exercises when able - but my BP continued to
slowly rise.  Hitting 160-165/105-112.  I knew I had to do something. 
My health and job were both at jeopardy! And my next work physical was
"Reading from the internet about cures for BP, I tried Beet Juice/tablets,
potassium tablets and the list goes on without any real measurable
"Then I located an article on the web about The Peoples Chemist.  What a
life and job saver that was. I purchased your book “Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures” from the local book store. Downloaded your $1.41 Cleanse
Cheat Sheet (completed 3 cleansings to date), Downloaded your 18-Min
Workout, still on the {Starter} workout due to my lower back but improving.
And finally have been on your Cardio FX for two weeks now, taking 3
capsules at wake up and 3 at night."
"The result: now 196 lbs, BP 130-133/80-86.  Since monitoring I don’t
ever remember my BP that low, and with only 1 side effect – I FEEL
"I plan on going another week on this schedule, then possibly working on
lowering the dosage of Cardio FX slowly to see how low of a dosage I can go
while maintaining a good healthy BP. And the 18-Min Workout 2-4 times a
"Thank you so very much for saving my career and making me feel younger."
That came from Greg.
Most people jump to meds. That's when everything falls apart. Energy
takes a nosedive. Weight creeps up. Focus diminishes. Depression sets
in...Avoid it all with Cardio FX at

The final exam ended well. I was the first one done and got a B. It was
the perfect spring board to Chem 101 and eventually and academic
scholarship for graduate school!

Never say die!

Go Cardio FX!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX is flying out of the warehouses...We ship from LA and
Chicago for fast delivery! But when we are out, we are out! So
be patient! Avoid running out with a 3-pack and get 15% off, too!