Subject: ~What's Wrong with Losing 15 Pounds Fast? (pics)



August 11, 2010    

What’s Wrong With Losing 15lbs FAST?

I’ve lost fat slow and I’ve lost fat fast.

And trust me: Fast is better…As long as it’s done right.

Nobody enjoys carrying around excess weight – what I term, dead weight.

Dead weight slows us down, causes sugar cravings and puts you in an early grave… Plus, it doesn’t help the bathing suit situation. Just ask my wife (mom of two), who recently competed in the NPC USA Nationals Bikini Contest. She didn’t come home with a trophy, but there’s no denying that she isn’t carrying dead weight.

Why you don’t want to focus on losing “weight”

Please notice that I’m talking about losing fat, not weight.

That's an important distinction.

Fast weight loss can be achieved simply by losing water or a weighty compound in the body known as “glycogen.” Losing these, which is achieved commonly via The Atkins Diet and hCG Diet, does not confer a lean sexy physique or rid us of dead weight.

Loss of anything other than FAT only makes you feel weak and lethargic. This is yo-yo dieting at its best…Water and glycogen always come back.

And if you know my wife, me or anyone else who has used my products, we don’t take part in yo-yo dieting!

How to lose fat fast, safely

Losing fat fast rests in triggering your “metabolic switches.”

These switches were discovered by Harvard and Columbia researcher’s decades ago. And when triggered, they cause the body to convert stored fat – belly, butt, hips or otherwise – to energy, in the form of heat and work! And it happens within minutes, and continues all day.

Triggering these metabolic switches is the “Hail Mary Cure” to ridding your bones of dead weight…it’s definitely the easiest way to lose 10 to 15 pounds of fat, fast.

Don’t use this if…

I’ll be honest, It’s NOT GOOD FOR LOSING 15 to 200lbs!

If you are looking to lose more than that, you need an aggressive program found at

But, if you want to lose say 10 to 15 lbs, switching your metabolic switch is a quick and efficient way to ramp up your metabolism. And fortunately, a select group of natural compounds achieve this!

That’s why I formulated ThermoFX, my day time fat burner.

Trigger your metabolic switch now!

For over 7 years, ThermoFX has been my number one, best selling supplement.

Why? ‘Cause it works and you can’t find it anywhere!

And…for the first time in 7 years, I’m offering a very limited time discount!

I’m in the process of changing my labels and have supply that MUST go. So as a bonus to my readers, I’m offering a 15% discount! Save now.

This offer is good only while supplies last (probably one to three days!)

Yes! I want to burn fat fast and save!

To crushing dead weight,

The People's Chemist