Subject: ~What type of person are you?

Can you spot a scam?

Celebrity worship is typically the glue that makes it stick.

Appealing to the masses, one single jackass can successfully fool
millions, even billions.

A little history lesson...think "hormone replacement therapy."

Wyeth, maker of estrogen drugs, hired supermodel Lauren Hutton to
warn women that loss of estrogen at menopause could lead to a
number of diseases.

That was a total lie...but hey, she's an actress, wtf does she know?

In the ads, she encouraged women to talk to their doctor about
"hormonal therapies after menopause."

A decade later, millions of women who complied and took the estrogen
replacement drug were either suffering from cancer, or dead.

Wyeth’s parent company Pfizer paid almost $1 billion to settle lawsuits.

How do you put a dollar price on birthday's lost?

The US Government, Wall Street and the FDA held a party to celebrate
their profits.

Nobody was ever prosecuted.

And that's how it works.

Rather than idealize science and measurable results, frauds are sold and
accepted under the disguise of celebrity worship.

Very few ever see the scam until it's too late.

“Brand-name pharmaceutical companies use celebrity endorsements
because they hope such endorsements will cause patients to blindly
pressure their doctor to prescribe the companies’ products, regardless
of the merits of using those drugs,” Dr. Michael Carome, the director of
Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, told Drugwatch.

But, I know you can't change people's minds.

If someone is prone to celebrity worship, they'll mimic them until their
coffin is buried by a mountain of bullshit.

I didn't write my upcoming book, 3 Worst Meds, for these people.

I wrote it for people who can actually engage a brain cell.

...for those who refuse to hand over authorship of their lives to a celebrity
and drug company.

...for those who are immune to social compliance.

...for those who know how to push back!

On April 1, you'll get to see which type of person you are.

Will you join the rebellion or will you just sit back watch the

...stay tuned for 3 Worst Meds!

Dare to ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Are you currently "following doctor's orders?"

Did you know healthcare is a billion dollar booby trap that's set to steal
your health and wealth. 3 Worst Meds is the remedy. In addition to
highlighting natural alternatives, it will also show you the Quality Control (QC) 
results from each alternative suggested - exposing the good and bad of
the "vitamin world."

My state-of-the-art testing methods are the same ones I used as a 
bench chemist for Big Pharma. As part of my Blue Diamond Series, I've 
included all the test results free of charge (see last chapter)! 

A matter of life and death, this type of razor-sharp laboratory precision
is glossed over or even left out by doctors and online vitamin hucksters...
(Guess I won't be making any friends in the vitamin industry, either!)