Subject: What pill should I take?


"What pill should I take, Shane?"

I hear that one a lot. And it's a good question because if
you aren't taking the right pill, then you are either wasting money
or worse, risking your health.

You should only take pills based on two things:

1. Your desired goals
2. Measurable results that are in line with those goals

Keeping those two requirements in mind, everyone's "pill protocol"
could look very different. However, there are some basic goals
that everyone should have:

1. Healthy heart
2. Healthy blood to prevent blood clots and stroke
3. Increased oxygen uptake
4. Controlled blood pressure

These four goals are mandatory for living young and whether or not you are
an elite athlete, soccer mom or die-hard couch potato, all four of these things
are proven to increase lifespan.

Plus, if you take the right pills to achieve those goals, you can MONITOR with MEASURABLE RESULTS!

That's how I designed CARDIOFX, the ultimate in cardiovascular protection. It
helps users achieve ALL FOUR OF THOSE GOALS and the proof is in the measurable
results it offers:

1. Controlled blood pressure
2. Lower resting heart rate
3. Clot-free blood
4. healthy heart as confirmed by EKG
5. Increased athletic performance

Want to bullet-proof your heart?

Here is what one user experienced:

"I have always suffered from strong pains in my legs and in my chest, that I ended up at
the hospital. With electrocardiograph, the doctors couldn't find anything.  I started taking
Cardio FX and right away I noticed the difference.  At night I was able to breath better, my
"so called chest pain" was gone! same with the leg pains.  Now I can work out, something
I was never able to do before, my physical strengh is a lot better and it feels great!"

Want to bullet-proof your heart?

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist