Subject: What is Splenda? (Make sure you are sitting down!)


Most people know Splenda as a safe alternative to sugar.

It's not.

Discovered to be 600 times sweeter than sugar, Splenda (sucralose) is
the drug known technically as 1,6-Dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-β-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-α-D-galactopyranoside.

It originated as an insecticide but was later used as an artificial

The molecule contains a historically deadly "organochlorine" or simply: a
Really-Nasty Form of Chlorine (RNFOC).

Unlike the harmless ionic bond in table salt, The RNFOC in sucralose is a
covalent bond. When used, the RNFOC yields such poisons as insecticides,
pesticides, and herbicides. A RNFOC can invade every nook and cranny of
the body. Cell walls and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) - the genetic map of
human life - become potential casualties of war.

This may result in weakened immune function, irregular heartbeat, agitation,
shortness of breath, skin rashes, headaches, liver and kidney damage, birth
defects, and cancer. Hiding its origin, sucralose pushers assert that it is "made from sugar."

Sucralose is as close to sugar as glass cleaner is to purified water.
France has recently banned such false advertising statements. Burying their
head in the sand, the deceit has been ignored by health officials within
the USA; sucralose is the most widely used artificial sweetener today.

To learn what the best alternatives to sugar are, read my free report here:

Feel free to ask questions in the comments box following the report!

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The People's Chemist