Subject: ~What is Man-o-pause?


A friend text me to ask why soy is bad...

Simple, it's an estrogen mimic. I thought everyone knew this. It
causes a rise in estrogen and typically, in time, a drop in testosterone.

The Scientific American warned consumers of the faulty food, writing
that, "Many of soy’s health benefits have been linked to isoflavones—plant
compounds that mimic estrogen. But animal studies suggest that eating
large amounts of those estrogenic compounds might reduce fertility in
women, trigger premature puberty and disrupt development of fetuses and

I told my friend that it ultimately it causes "Manopause."

He didn't know what that was either.'s a time when a man's chemical balance becomes shifted in favor of
estrogen over testosterone. Warning signs are better ability to understand
your wife, a higher tolerability for chick flicks, more time spent trolling
Facebook and feelings of helplessness...akin to a 13 year old girl trying to
win a popularity contest.

It's's a total loss of testosterone output and sensitivity.

And soy isn't the only culprit.

Cholesterol lowering drugs (statins), sugar, artificial flavors and blood pressure
medications are also "mysterious" causes of low-t...millions of men right now
on these meds have no idea.

Statins reduce the main precursor to testosterone production, ie
CHOLESTEROL! No cholesterol precursor, no testosterone. It's like,
no social media, no platform for morons to talk shit and spread their
dribble throughout society.

It's that simple.

Then there's the blood pressure meds.

BP meds increase obesity, which causes more sugar to
float in the blood. In turn, a molecule known as aromatase is produced
that converts testosterone to...are you ready for this? estrogen!

And yes, of course, sugar and artificial flavors do the same.

So, if you want to stop this onslaught of estrogen then
start using Raw-T at

It's the definitive way to raise testosterone output and sensitivity!

It's a beautiful thing...Jack up your test levels naturally at

(No side effects to worry about like heart disease and cancer that are common
to testosterone gels!)

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Using Raw-T means you can ditch the testosterone gels, which only
ADD to the problem. Get it at