Subject: What does this mom of 6 look like now? (PIC!)

Mom of 6 Proves Pregnancy No Excuse for Weight problems
Pregnancy isn't the cause of weight gain later in life.  Hormones are. 

And even after having 6 kids, Jannette proves that giving birth isn't a disease that predisposes moms to obesity as they age.  

Jannette didn't let little things like gestational diabetes, post-partum depression, and low energy dictate her life...She took charge with my proven, step-by-step program guaranteed to work fast and forever - The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery.

Growing from a size 5 to 18 isn't fun

Like so many moms, Jannette was shocked to be putting on larger clothes.

"I am 5'4"," she says. "In high school I was a size 5. After my first four babies were born, my weight went down each time, and I was able to get myself to a healthy size 7/8. However, four months after giving birth to my twins, I suddenly weighed 180 lbs, and I was buying size 16/18 clothes!"

No mom wants to be hovering in the size 18 category.

Staying at that size for too long brings increased risk for:
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Joint pain
  • Cancer
  • Depression
"I was just getting into fitness and health after having my twins (babies 5 & 6)," says Jannette. "I was learning here and there the different ways of eating and diets. My idea of ‘healthy' was the four food groups - grains, veggies, fruit, dairy and meat."

"The standard diet advice failed miserably. Looking back, it's a joke."

She's right.  All fad diets have two things in common:
  1. They don't work
  2. They raise insulin (fat storing hormone)
If you choose to eat from the "food groups," or The Food Pyramid or Choose My Plate, you will increase your ability to store fat like an overfed farm animal.

If you choose to eat more than three meals per day or indulge in "healthy snacks," the same fate awaits.

Shocking Truth: The USDA's "4 Food Groups" Will Keep You Fat

Fortunately, Jannette connected the dots and realized the 4 food groups myth wasn't helping her lose weight. That's when she got serious about finding real health info.

"I actually knew who Shane was in elementary school."

"Surprisingly, decades later, I was given a copy of the book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures and saw his name on it.  I appreciated his honesty and dedication to ‘measurable results.' I was hooked."

"My motivation to lose the weight stemmed from wanting to be more active with my family."

Face It, Even After Having 6 Kids, Jannette is Envied

That initial spark of desire to be healthy proved to be invaluable as Jannette chiseled her physique in a way most moms would envy.

"After seeing my picture at my son's birthday party (picture in orange), I began my weight loss commitment," says Jannette. I started with The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery Package."

"As the weight rapidly started melting off and my energy spiking, I started seeing MUSCLE! I went from 28% fody Fat 155lbs to 22% 140lbs in 1 month! My goal had been to get to my previous ‘after baby' size 7/8. My end results surpassed that to a size 5/6 and 130lbs!"

She Exceeded Her Original Goal – From 180 Pounds to Her High School Weight!

Now instead of shopping for size 16/18 clothes, Jannette is shopping for extra-small clothes and blasting through intense Crossfit workouts in her free time.

"NOW I feel AMAZING!" she says. "I feel like I'm in high school but SMALLER! YES SMALLER! Continuing the products over the last 4 years, I am now a size 3/4 and I weigh 127lbs! I love buying the size small and sometimes even extra small! I can RX CrossFit WOD's (Workout of the Day) and am continually hitting new personal records. I can keep up with the never ending energy of my 6 kids (ages 13-4!) and hike with them often!"

"When I started I couldn't do any box jumps," she admits. "I couldn't do pull-ups and had never done a handstand push up! I've since increased my weight in lifting 30-40lbs in 5 months."

That's what happens when you use AMPM Fat Loss – you not only demolish fat, you also build muscle.

Return to Your Pre-Baby Weight (or Smaller) with AMPM Fat Loss!

As Jannette proves, you CAN return to your pre-baby weight (or even smaller), if you choose to. And, you can keep it off!

The successful women who lose weight after childbirth do so because they learned how to with The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery

Warning: side effects of AMPM Fat Loss may include people not believing how many kids you have.

"I get people telling me all the time, ‘No way you have 6 kids!' ‘You look amazing for having 6 kids!'" says Jannette. "Jaw drops and they stare. ‘Wow! What did you do?' they ask."

Note: AMPM Fat Loss is not a temporary fix where you lose the fat and gain it back again (like other diets). It's the ultimate fat-burning product for anyone serious about ditching their pregnancy weight forever.

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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